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The following day, Tumahole finds that Maya is not here again, afraid that he might have pushed her away, he collects his books and attempts to leave. 

dressed in casual clothes, Maya appears behind him. 

"going somewhere?" she asks. startling him. 

he turns and his eyes take her in, "hey" he says softly. 

she sits down and so does he. 

"look-", "sorry" they both say at the same time, smiling Tumahole decides to go first. 

"i'm sorry about my behaviour, it was wrong and uncalled for. i'm sorry " seeming sincere, Maya nods her head. 

"look, i would also like to apologise, you the first person to ever talk to me nicely, and i'm sorry if i may have ruined that. i didnt meant to offend you, i was only trying to be nice, sorry if i offended you" 

she stands up and places the places the muffin container in front of him. 

"i hope you dont get offended by this, but my brother bought more than enough, this is my peace offering." then she stands up, attempting to leave. 

"where are you going?" he asks her. "i cant finish them on my own"

she smiles and sits down. taking one muffin she says."i need to get back soon" 

"get back where?" 

"counselling room, i had an episode so now they apparently need to monitor me" she says rolling her eyes. 

seeing confused and lost, he asks her what she's talking about. 

"my bipolar you know?" she says, thinking that he knows as everyone in school does.

"ooh" he stops midway from biting the muffin. "i didnt know" 

silence falls between them, awkwardness that could be cut by a butcher knife. 

after a few minutes Tumahole asks her. 

"are you okay though?" 

she looks at him and nods her head. "i feel fine, but i need to take my meds, never skip them" 

"ooh, okay then" he says, then they fall into another awkward silence. 

Maya then stands up, feeling even more down than before and says she's heading back. she had hoped that Tumahole would say something, but nothing. 

later that day, Tumahole went to the school library to use the computer and research this thing called bipolar. he spent time there, he even went as far as searching for books that talk about the disorder. he has always been a book worm so reading never fazed him. 

when he got home, gogo asked him what he was reading, he told about a friend of her that has a diseases called bipolar, in her old age, gogo knew nothing of such but only told Tumo, to treat her like he would treat any other person, sick or not.

he spent the whole night, up and learning about a disorder, he hoped that Maya would see that he doesnt view her differently, that she is fine and normal, even given the circumstances. 

the following morning, he was excited to see her and tell her how much he researched about the disorder and all that. 

During class time, his mind was occupied by the honey-brown eyed girl. Even his fellow classmates where suprised seeing him so lost, he never not once raised his arm to respond in class like he usually does, instead. He was all smiles and looked miles away. 

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