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love is something she always longed for, the two most people who were supposed to love and keep her safe where the reason she was declared to have bipolar at just thirteen, just entering her teenage years, she felt like her life was ending, the suicidal attempts and the betings she got from her father over something so small or nothing at all, she lost hope in everthing. 

of all her siblings, kagiso, katlego, the twins and Loyiso. she was mostly close to kagiso , he was the only one who was ever there for her. helping her with things she needed help with. he was the first person she told when she had her periods. you would think in such a case she would talk to her mother, but nothing. Maureen is a nice woman, but not nice enough to her. yes they talk at times but what more can you say to a woman sho isn't your bilogical mother and her husband, your father keeps reminding you off. being told that your mother loved you older brother than she did you thats why she left you at the hopital and went to continue her life with your big brother and her husband. 

its the beginning of the year and the schools have just reopened. katlego and kagiso are both at their matric year while shes doing grade eleven, both he and Loyiso.

it would have been nice if she and her siblings were in the school, but as luck or rather their father would have it, he didnt want her anywhere near him, so he sent her to boarding school.  

even in the years that she has been there, she never made a friend, well, not everyone was too thrilled with having a bipolar friend, she had a room mate, her name was Tshegofatso,like her, they both wanted thier fathers love, but you cant have everything you ever want. so by default, they became friends. 

when she got to school days back, she learnt that Tshegofatso had left, she went to stay with her father, as happy for her as she was, she couldnt help but feel jelous. atleast one of them got something, she thought to herself. 

EVERYTHING SHE NEVER HAD (complete) Where stories live. Discover now