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The sight of the small drops of rain falling onto the glass and sliding down the surface had calmed her down, especially with the light melodies playing in the background. She had been nervously fidgeting her fingers for the past two hours while she was in the car with Lena. They were going back home, to Amsterdam, where she had hoped things would get better and she would soon forget about the hurt which had been suffocating her.

The flashbacks were something that she couldn't get out of her head easily, and everything had reminded her of him. How his hands were roaming the girl's body, how they exchanged passionate kisses, how everybody was watching them in the bar and how Amelia was losing the balance in her feet when she had seen the man of her dreams giving love to another person. She had closed her eyes in hope that she would delete the scene out of her head when she was snapped out of it by the voice of her friend.

"Are you okay?", Lena had asked, her voice as gentle as ever.

"I'm fine.", she replied, not moving her eyes from the window. "Just tired."

Unlike the usual, Amelia had looked pale, worn-out and tired, since she had not slept for the entire night in the hotel. She was wearing leggings and an oversized sweatshirt with sneakers, and her hair was tied up in a messy bun. She didn't feel like putting on any makeup, especially since even showering seemed like the hardest thing to do at that moment. She didn't feel like talking to anyone, or listening to any advice in that situation. She just wanted to be distanced from everything and to try and heal on her own. None of the people around her had ever supported her stubbornness, but in this case, they had decided to respect her decision and not meddle too much.

Amelia's phone had buzzed and she had noticed that she received a text from Victoria.

Vic: "I'm really sorry for what had happened, Amelia. And I understand why you didn't want to say goodbye to any of us this morning, but I wanted to tell you that he feels really bad for it and it was a mistake. Please let me know when you can talk, I'll call you. xx"

She had read the message and just locked the phone again, not wishing to bother with replying or upsetting herself even more. She didn't blame Victoria, Ethan or Thomas for anything, but since they were Damiano's closest friends, she didn't feel comfortable with communicating with them yet.

She had arrived home in the afternoon, Lena had parked in her driveway and assisted her with getting her things out of the trunk. She gave Amelia a long, tight hug filled with reassurance that everything would be okay. "Please call me if you need anything, okay? I'm a ten minute drive away."

Amelia smiled weakly. "I will, don't worry. I just need some space and some sleep. I'm exhausted, ESC is really a lot more than you can see on TV.", although both of them knew that the tiredness did not come from the obligations only, Lena had decided not to ask too many questions and just let her friend open up when she feels ready.

"I love you, okay?", Lena had said, letting go of her friend.

"Love you, too, Lena.", Amelia replied and walked up to her front door.

She had taken a long shower and decided to order in some food since her fridge had been completely emptied. She had put on some comfortable clothes and decided on checking her phone again. As soon as she had connected to her Wi-Fi, her phone had started buzzing like crazy, notifying her about the messages that she had received through Instagram and Whatsapp.

Curious about what was happening, she had decided to check.

Mom: "I've heard that everything had gone well at ESC. Congrats, baby. We're proud of you and we can't wait to see you. Text us when you get back home." - Whatsapp (9:30 A. M.)

jennyxamstdam "hey girl, haven't seen you in a while! Text me when you're up for some coffee, I've heard that you've been working on Eurovision. Is Damiano really that good-looking in person?" - Instagram

Amelia had rolled her eyes at Jenny's message. Jenny was an old friend from High school who was always looking to get into the 'upper class' groups and texting people only when she would find a way to use them properly.

Her heart had stopped for a moment when she had found numerous messages from the person she had despised the most at the moment.

Damiano: "Amelia, please. I made a huge mistake and I can give you an explanation. It's not your fault. I really didn't want things to end this way." - Whatsapp (9:33 A. M.)

Damiano: "I know you're mad and you should be, but I know that the kiss had meant nothing to me." - Whatsapp (9:41 A. M.)

Damiano: "We didn't even get the chance to say goodbye, I need to hear your voice. Or at least send me something." - Whatsapp (11:12 A. M.)

I can send you to hell, if that would suit you.

ykaar "I know I've fucked up entirely"
ykaar "you know that I'm not giving up on you"
ykaar "principessa"
ykaar "come on!! I miss you, Amelia. I miss you like crazy and I would burn down this fucking city just to see you smile"

ethaneskin "hope you're fine and that you get some rest. We miss you and we all apologize for what happened that night. Say hi to Lena from me and stay safe! xx"

vicdeangelis "hi honey. Just checking up on you once again. We're back home and the situation is a bit tense. Call me when you can, you've been a wonderful friend to me. Damiano doesn't have to know that we're talking."

thomasraggi__ "AMELIAAAAAAA, we miss you a lot. Hope that we're gonna hang out again soon. Let us know if you ever come to Rome. And yeah... Damiano is an asshole"

She had become tired of reading the messages, plus she had some message requests on Instagram from some unknown people who had probably followed her trough the ESC and she had decided to just leave it and wait for her pizza, then get some sleep. She didn't have the energy to deal with any more people.

Let's just hope that I don't dream of him again.

IPNOTIZZANTE - Damiano DavidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon