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The lovely fields around the big, old house were just as she had remembered them. The sun was shining brightly and made her shadow dance underneath her feet, over the grass. In the distance, she could see 'the vigneto' as her grandfather would call the vineyards. She was wearing a flowy white dress and she was completely barefoot, since she loved the raw feeling of ground beneath her feet. The light wind was caressing her hair, just enough to have it flowing around just like her dress, but not enough to ruin her looks and make it seem messy. She wore a smile on her face like the most beautiful jewelry. She could smell the fresh air and the climate suited her much better than the cold in the Netherlands, but something was missing from deep inside of her, and she couldn't decipher what exactly. 

Suddenly, although she was standing alone, she felt a pair of arms hugging her from behind and as the person was taller than her, they have leaned their head on top of hers and a strand of brown hair suddenly fell in front of her eyes. She could notice that the person was a man, wearing a thin, white shirt with half-rolled sleeves and on her back she could feel a bit of bare skin, which meant that the shirt was half-buttoned as well. She slowly turned around while his arms were easing the grasp on her and she was met with his mysterious but lovely face. He said something in Italian, but she couldn't understand him...not because she forgot the language (she never could), but because even though he was right in front of her, it sounded like the sound of his voice was coming from a further distance. She tried so hard to decode his words, but the sounds were rustled and she had almost given up on trying to understand when the final word she could hear was - "Grazie". 

Amelia jumped out of her bed, still dazed and startled from her dream that she had. She rubbed here eyes and looked around, bewildered by the fact that she was actually still in her room. 

It felt so real, she thought. Almost if the rays were burning my skin and his arms and body were shielding me from the hot sun. 

Surprised by the fact that the unknown person appeared in her dreams for the first time, only a few hours after meeting with him, she completely forgot to look at the time. 

07:41 A.M.

She had a day off and instead of sleeping longer and getting some rest, she was cursed by the fact that she was already awake before 8 A.M. and no longer able to sleep, since she had an unusual dream which had startled her. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make some coffee, which would boost her energy and make her feel ready for the day. She opened the fridge to see what she could make for breakfast, and noticed that there was nothing in particular that seemed appealing to her. 

I'm just going to go out and eat, she thought of it as the best solution. After she had made the coffee, she sat on the sofa in the living room, and turned on the TV to check for any interesting shows. As she was scrolling through the channels, she felt her phone buzzing right next to her. It was a message from Lena. 

Lena: "hey, hope you're getting up earlier today. I have some exciting news!"

Amelia: "surprisingly, I got up as early as possible, which was completely unnecessary! What's up?"

Lena: "wow, I can't believe that you're actually awake....are you okay?", Amelia knew that the girl was teasing her, since she really didn't like getting up too early. 

Amelia: "fuck you, I had a bad dream."

Lena: "I'm sorry, babe. Need to talk about it? :("

Amelia: "nah, I'm good now, thanks. So, what's the news and why the hell are YOU awake this early?"

Lena: "weeeeelllll, I am on a quest and I need your assistance with it." Oh no. "We need to go downtown and get ourselves the last tickets for the event of the year before they're sold out :)"

IPNOTIZZANTE - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now