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After a while of standing in line and geting soaking wet from being in the pouring rain, extremely annoyed Amelia and very excited Lena had started running towards the nearest bar to have some drinks and get warm. They were greeted by some unusual looks and probably remarks from the people who were already sitting there, dressed more fancy and completely dry (in oppose to these two). They chose a table by the window and ordered two drinks before they continued talking. 

"Are you going to stop caressing those tickets, please?", Amelia asked. "You're making me uncomfortable."

On the other hand, the black-haired girl was completely obsessing over the fact that one of her favorite bands was performing in her hometown, and that she might have an opportunity to take a picture with Ethan. "Shush, I am in love."

Out of habit, Amelia rolled her eyes once again to her best friend's remarks and continued looking through the window. Although she didn't hate the rain that much, and she had grown adjusted to it, she couldn't help but wonder how it would be if she were in Rome in that moment. Whether anything changed much, if anybody had bought a house nearby her own, if the weather was much warmer, and if the vineyards still looked the same... And whether Damiano had lived anywhere nearby her. 

No, no, no, she tried to make herself stop thinking about him. He is just a singer who by accident stumbled into your workplace and asked for a coffee.  He is going to perform tonight, stay at a fancy hotel and leave by the morning. You will never see him again. 

She was quickly dragged out of her thoughts when she had heard a familiar voice behind her. 

"Amelia!", she had turned around and her mother was walking towards her with her father trailing right behind her. "How are you, my precious?" 

She stood up and hugged her cheerful mother who had obviously had a bit more to drink that day. "Mom... I'm fine, and how are you?", she smiled at the sight of her happy parent. 

"Oh good, good.", her mother replied. "When are you going to visit us? We miss you..."

Her father had scoffed at those words, which made Amelia's heart tighten. "She is a grown woman, Dorothea, she can manage her own time."

Amelia had smiled at him weakly. "Hello, father."

"You're not even going to hug me?", he spread his arms for her to give into his embrace. "I'm just making sure she's not pressuring you."

Amelia followed his instructions and hugged him, although the hug didn't feel as warm as Dorothea's. "She's not, she's just being a mother". Those words might have offended him a bit, but he didn't let it show. He never let it show. 

Sometimes she thought that her father was the most emotionless creature to ever walk on Earth, since not even once in her 20 years had she seen him cry, yell or just being tense. It was like he had the weakness of not showing any weakness. 

Her parents were standing by the table and talking to the girls for a bit more, then decided to leave them so they could talk in peace. Amelia hugged both of them and rejoined Lena, who was now scrolling through her Instagram.

"Anything interesting?", Amelia asked while taking a sip of her drink. 

"Actually... yes", Lena smiled and handed her the phone. "Check the last story".

IPNOTIZZANTE - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now