9- Whatever Happened To Gissele Brady?

Start from the beginning

                  “I’m good. Real good,” I answered. “Finally hooking it up with Jassandra…so I def can’t complain,”

                   “Ohhh SHIT! Y’all finally kickin it? That is good, Mitch. I’m glad you got the woman that you been wantin,” smiled Dupree, sitting down in his recliner chair. He pulled out a joint and lit it up. “Wanna celebrate and smoke one?”

                   I laughed. “Come on, Dupe…you know I’m in the Academy, and I can’t smoke. And even if I wasn’t, I’m not a smoker anyway,”

                  “I’ll get you to, one day,” laughed Dupree. He blew smoke rings out after forming his mouth into an O. He then started chomping at the smoke. I looked at him weirdly. “So, what happened on the date with you and Pennel? Don’t lie, bro,”

                  I groaned, dropping my head. Dupree fell back in the chair with a giggling cackle. Once again he had that Saul Silver stoned/goofy look on his face. “This must be some pretty dicey shit, for you to be droppin yo head like that…c’mon! Spill it, Mitch!”

                  At that moment, Cheyenne came out the room, fully dressed. She gave Dupree a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to my mom’s for the night. I’ll be back tomorrow,”

                  Dupree grabbed her, and pulled her into his lap, as she screamed, laughing. They then had one of those sloppy slow “goodbye” lip busting kisses- when you know you aren’t going to be getting any sex until the next day. Cheyenne rose from Dupree’s lap, and left, taking his joint. “HEY!”

                 “See you tomorrow, baby,” said Cheyenne, as she walked to the door. “Laterz, cutie blue-eyes,”

                  As the door closed, I looked to Dupree, who was in his robe pockets looking for another joint. He looked to me. “I haven’t forgotten about the story. Tell me, Mitch,”

                  “We went to the Roma Piccola…and had a great time. That is all,” I said. Dupree gave me the “don’t bullshit me” look. “Bullshit…I know Pennel Phelps has a porn star crush on you…and you’re gonna tell me that she didn’t throw the pussy your way?”

                  I looked away.

                  Dupree went into giggles again. “I KNEW it! I knew you smashed that shit! Because you could not resist that girl’s bad ass bod,”

                  “I’m not gonna lie- Pennel is a very sexy woman. But that is where it ends. Dupe, she’s a cokehead…the girl put coke on my ‘junk’ while she gave me brain,” I said.

                 “I know. Lots of folks told me they seen Pennel up in the club, snortin coke…and they pegged Meridian too,” breathed Dupree. Upon mentioning the “Meridian” part, Dupree had a look as if that disappointed him.

                 “Well…Meridian has put it down. She swore to me that she was gonna make an effort to leave it alone,” I explained, noticing the look on Dupree’s face. He seemed relieved, at hearing that bit of gospel. “You do know she’s messing with Riley Kessel,”

                  “She could’ve done way better,” said Dupree. “There is something about Riley Kessel, that I don’t trust…I just can’t put my finger on it,”

                   “Riley? Are you serious? The man is a sissified cornball,” I hissed. “The part that kicks me even more than Meridian dating him, is Meridian possibly giving her virginity to that clown,”

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