I heard a soft knock at my door, waking me up from the sleep I didn't even realise I fell into.

"come in" I called out.

the door opened and in came felix.

he smiled at me before speaking with his deep, thick voice. "its 9:20, I just thought I should give you a few minutes to get ready before you have to go. chan doesn't like it when we are late" he chuckled.

"its 9:20 already??" I asked. damn I really did sleep heavy.

"yeah it is" felix chuckled again, smiling at my confused state. "come on you gotta get uppp" he said, pulling at my arms to get me out of bed.

"I don't wannaaa" I said like a baby.

he laughed at my childishness. "chan will be angry if you are late"

"ugh like I care" I rolled my eyes slightly.

"Y/N!" We both heard chan yell from downstairs.

"see I told you" felix said.

"yeah yeah whatever" I said rolling my eyes while smiling at him which he returned.

"COMING!" I yelled back. "thanks for waking me up!" I said to felix before dashing out the door and down the stairs.

"lets go" chan said before stepping outside the house and walking over to what seemed to be a G-wagon.

"damnn cool ride" I said, smirking.

"can you drive?" chan asked me.

"nah, I'm more of a motorcycle girl myself" I said laughing as I got into the passanger seat.

chan started the car "you have a motorcycle?" he asked curiously.

"yeah! I haven't been able to ride it for while though, hopefully I can soon."

chan hummed in reply as we drove down the road.

we sat in a comfortable silence as we got closer to my dads.

I could feel myself get more anxious by the minute.

"nervous?" chan asked.

"how could you tell?"

"you're shaking" he said.

"oh" I replied quietly.

"dont worry we will be as quick as possible in there. nothing bad will happen" he said. he placed his hand on mine, rubbing small circles into it to calm me down. my face flushed red as I looked over at him and to my surprise so did his but he kept his eyes fixed on the road, not daring to look at me.

"you don't have to keep everything hidden from us" chan said

"hm?" I replied.

"I mean like I know you haven't known us for long but we are all kind of like a big family. you can trust us with things, we wont hurt you"

"oh. thank you" I replied. I stayed silent for a minute before speaking again. "its not that I don't want to tell you its just that is difficult even for myself to understand, let alone someone else. besides like you said, I don't know any of you very well yet. how do I know you aren't all part of some cult huh?"

chan laughed slightly. "I can promise you now we aren't part of a cult, although, it does feel like it sometimes"

we both laughed for a bit until I recognised where we were.

"stop here!" I said a bit too quickly. chan looked confused. "just in case one of my dads friends see us" I said trying to cover up my quick actions.

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