Twenty || "I'm Sorry."

Start from the beginning

"Sugar, flattery gets you everywhere!" Summer giggled and glanced at me, eyes filled with relief. "Summer, I have to tell you the meeting today went great, my father loved your idea." Tyler smiled at Summer, raising his glass to her.

"Yes it was very impressive, good work. Tyler tells me you aren't interested in business full time, what a shame. Media First could use fresh ideas like yours."

"You went with the contest?" I asked.

"She did more than that son, she pitched a tablet suitable for all your graphic designing needs."

Summer looked up at me, eyes apologizing before her mouth could. "I'm sorry, I meant to tell you when I saw you but it didn't seem like the time."

"Don't worry about it, I'm proud of you." I knew Summer wasn't exactly jumping up and down over her internship so it was nice to see her adjusting well.

"I think you've had enough, our food hasn't even come out."

Everyone's attention was directed to the end of the table where Rachel was trying to cut my father off. "I'm fine, another glass won't hurt." He took a long sip of his wine, savoring every ounce of it.

Initially I wasn't overly concerned with my father's drinking, After all I wasn't unfamiliar with blacking out myself. But he'd been drunk so often recently I started to wonder if he was punishing himself, or medicating himself.

"She's right, you've had enough." I didn't want to be his babysitter, but I knew if he wasn't cut off soon I was going to end up responsible for him. "Am I your father? Or are you mine?" He scoffed and took another sip of his wine.

I'd also learned that alcohol made him even more of a Jackass.

"You wouldn't be able to tell from this scene." James stared my father down, his face dripping with disapproval. "Is this how you conduct yourself in public?" If my dad was trying to win over Rachel's parents he was failing miserably.

"I hope you both don't mind we ordered for the table, the chef is a family friend and he has a lovely new dish he wanted us to try." Laura tried to take the attention off my father who was becoming more irritable by the second.

"How exciting!" Summer cheers. She was a foodie at heart, so I knew she was bursting with excitement.

"Why don't you eat some bread huh?"

Rachel's tone was getting desperate as she tried to reason with her drunken boyfriend. "I'm not hungry." He tossed the basket to the side, knocking it off the table.

"You need to relax." Tyler's amusement was now annoyance. My father stood up swiping his drink off the table, glass and wine decorating the floor. "I'm getting real sick and tired of your smart ass mouth Tyler." His knuckles were white as he pressed them into the table.

"I think you've had too much to drink."

Tyler laughed finding amusement in the situation again, which only makes my father angrier.

"Come say it to my face like a man!" He jeered.

"How familiar, first you try and provoke your own son to fight and now me?" My eyes met Tyler's and I could have sworn I saw regret in them.

A plate was thrown to the ground, followed by a fork and a spoon. It wasn't long before security rushed over, apprehending my father escorting him to the back exit.

"This is the man you want to marry Rachel?"

"He wasn't like this when we met! I'm afraid he has a drinking problem." Her voice trailed off as she hung her head, a tear falling to the table.

𝑱𝑼𝑺𝑻 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝑨 𝑴𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑻  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now