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To cut this snack short, why am I saying all this? I'm saying all this to say that nothing will ever satisfy us.

Humans are insatiable(greedy) beings, that's one hurtful truth we can't digest.
Regardless of how boring, uninterested or how unserious and unbothered you may take life, you can never be satisfied.

Even with our best lives we will still crave for more, so when I hear people saying.. oh I just need a house, a car, a source of income,a wife and a private life, blah blah that won't make you' satisfied.

I'll give you different examples to ponder on.

I always wanted to travel outta my country to the Western world, this was me in my mind. I dreamt, spent days and nights mind-travelling outta my country to US.
2 years later, I now living in US.. but the honest truth is, the life here wasn't what I envisioned.

You know Nigeria is bad, yeah, incomes are low, no constant electricity, no unmetered data (internet), no jobs, etc.

But when I was in Nigeria, I paid less even with inflation.

Getting to US with millions of opportunities and my mind life closer to my eyes, I didn't know, the more you get the more you pay.

I had a good job but taxes were too high, whereas in Nigeria I need not bother about taxes even with low pays.

Yeah this explanation is annoying, but I tryna paint a picture for you.

Before I came here, I thought life was easier and less demanding cos that's what my mind programmed.
Yes some people live their best in US, but not a foreigner like me who's tryna find his fit.

The mind of a man 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin