My sweet italy

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The week goes by flying , and I forgot there was Marcelo that I 'm going to Italy , to participate in the event in Milan , but you can also where I go I have to let you know , as I miss coming and going without anyone 's satisfaction !I've even got used to the security guards where I go, there are always two with me!I start to pack and for my luck I hear the voice of my dear sister-in-law!Amelia and I get along well, but like every family we fight sometimes. Amelia treats Marcelo as if he were a child, and that annoys me!- Hi Laura, where are you going to pack your bags? She tells me leaning her hand on the doorframe of my room.- I'm going to an event in Milan! I answer without looking at her.- And Marcelo knows you're going without him? She asks me in a weird tone.- I didn't have time to communicate him, but I'll call him today! I continue to pack, and Amelia walks out the door.I go downstairs with the bags and ask Matheo to put them in my car, he quickly leaves with them and my cell phone rings.Of course Marcelo , Amelia as a beautiful gossip takes care of him .- Hi Marcelo !- Where do you think Laura is going? He speaks screaming into the phone.- I'm going to Milan in a Marcelo fashion event! I reply dryly.- Are you going, Laura? Send Olga and Amy to go there is no need for you to go there ?? And what's more you can be in danger! He tells me.- No Marcelo, I'm not in any danger, Massimo doesn't even remember that I exist anymore! And I can't for my life. I'll get my flight out in a little while! I say would be.- All right, honey, take care and don't forget that I love you! I have some issues to resolve in Italy I'll meet you there so.He talks to me, because I know he will come after me, Marcelo is afraid Dom will do something to me.- All right, we'll meet you there!- I'll get there on Sunday morning, you can go to your event, but Matheo and George will go with you ok!- What a novelty! Okay, Marcelo I need to hang up.- Okay, take care dear!He talks to me and hangs up.- Laura you know my brother ....Amelia speaks and stops!- Look Amelia had no need for you to tell him I was going to Italy, Massimo is engaged and he doesn't even remember me! And I will live my life!I speak angry with my hands on the table.- Laura, my brother doesn't hit his head very well, I'm afraid he'll lose control, that's why I told him!!! And I know you're not doing well! She speaks to me as she crosses her arms and leans against the kitchen wall.- Okay Amelia I really need to go!I speak and leave because she managed to irritate me.I get in the car and George starts driving.He and Matheo are singing along the way, saying things I don't know, because my Spanish is weak, I know the basics to survive.It doesn't take long and we arrive at the airport, my jet is ready.I let her know at Stela's school that this weekend I won't catch her because I'll be traveling.We boarded ....And as I always suffer from air travel , I put my tranquilizer under my tongue and put it on the bench , and it doesn't take me long to fall asleep, I know that by jet in less than 1 hour we will be in Italy.I wake up with the huge hands of the beautiful blonde waking me up.And Matheo.- Laura we arrived...I open my eyes and wake up.- Oh yes Matheo thank you! I speak and I'm already taking off my belt and getting up.I'm in torn jeans, black baby look and a yellow leather jacket, on my feet I put my white allstar.We left the jet and the black SUV is already waiting for us.I enter it and go straight to Nacho's mansion.I arrive and go straight to take a shower, take my shower and put on my robe and decide to call Olga.- Hello bitch ....I say smiling.- Hi my favorite bitch... She talks to me all happy!- How about we have dinner together, there at the Peperone? I invite her to go to a more upscale and more frequented restaurant in Sicily.- What? What do you mean ? Have you arrived yet?She asks me.- Yes, just arrived! I say smiling with a silly smile on my lips, because I miss spending hours talking to Olga.- But let's wait until night not fucking, I'll get ready in 40 minutes I'll be there kkkkk!!!She talks to me smiling.- Yes, I'll be there soon! I talk and hang up the phone, I'm excited to see Olga, I grab my long denim dress with a beautiful neckline and a slit that goes to my thigh, and a low brown leather sandal, I put on my perfume, and let my hair down. Saio and George and Matheo are already waiting for me.- Today you don't go together! Rest assured anything I call you !!I say taking the car keys and going out , I need to feel my freedom , I need to be Laura again , I miss myself , and here in Italy I feel like I 'm at home , I feel at ease , free ...- But Laura... Matheo starts talking...- No you don't go together, and don't worry if Marcelo calls tell you we're out and you'll enjoy the night, when I'm coming back I'll let you know and the 3 of us arrived together ok! This is an order !!!I speak .- Since that's how it is, let's enjoy the nigth valley kkkk...George speaks smiling to Matheo.I wait for them to get ready and we leave in two cars so Marcelo doesn't notice, because I know he will see it on camera.We reach the end of the road and take different directions, I head to the Peperone restaurant.I park my car and get out.I see that Olga hasn't arrived yet, so I sit down at the table and order a glass of the best wine in the house and before long the beautiful waitress brings me a bottle and a glass.- Miss, anything else? She asks me politely.- Oh my angel bring me another cup because my friend is about to arrive, and then we order something to eat! I talk to her and she smiles and leaves, I take a sip of this wonderful wine! I look at the beautiful and beautiful Sicily was missing this place where I find a certain peace!It doesn't take long and Olga arrives, and everyone in the restaurant looks at her who is in a beautiful and tight red, with a nice heel 15 on her feet, a beautiful white sandal, with her hair done and a divine makeup.- Hi my bitch preferred!!! She speaks and comes extending her arms for a hug, I get up and go hug my friend.- Oh, Olga, how I miss you! I speak and a tear runs from my eyes!- Oh my friend, I miss you too!But let's drink! Hahahaha- You are without security by the sight, I didn't see anyone! She talks to me smiling.- Yes I dismissed them, I need to meet again! I say would be.- You really need it, Laura you're a rag, look at that hair, what's this woman?! You were never like that! She talks to me smiling.Because I know she's right, I haven't been taking care of myself.- I walk with no courage Olga, no motivation I don't know! I shrug.We started drinking and drinking , we ordered a pizza and there we stayed ....- Look I'll tell you even if you didn't want to know , that bitch Ana , is changing everything in the mansion , she is finding herself the owner of there , I change all the curtains , decorated everything and Dom has not objected at all since she didn't move in the library and in her old room she doesn't even know it was her kkkkk... Silly fag thinks she has Massimo in her hands!Olga talks smiling while putting a piece of pizza in her mouth.- Then Olga leaves her, if that makes her happy!!! And why are you and Domenico not moving from there? I ask her.- Not even dead Domenico leaves that house, he has devotion in that mansion! Olga speaks rolling her eyes.- But you're not at all shaken by the news of the engagement? Olga asks me and I know she is analyzing me.- Look if I tell you I didn't feel anything and lie, but that doesn't matter to me! I shrug.- To this day I don't understand why you did all that Laura, you got lost in your mourning, where you needed to love each other and give each other strength, but you're two hardheads!!! I know that he even in that crooked way of his never stop loving you!And you still don't know what you're doing with Nacho, it can be cute, but he looks like a murderous maniac he has, and that he's kkkkkkk....Olga tells me laughing.- Olga do not talk like that , I do not know why we went through everything we went through , but I pass and there is no way back , so leave everything as it is ! I smirk at her and drink my wine.- If you want to leave it like that Laura, who am I right?- Let's go to Olga! I speakWe change the subject and have a lot of laughs, the drink starts to take effect, and I start drinking water because I have to leave.I text George and Matheo, they reply right away.I insist on paying the bill and we leave.- Tomorrow we're going to the SPA and then festaaaa kkkkk Olga tells me all happy and excited.- Yes let's go kkkkkkk...- it's ok, we meet at the SPA, kiss bitch ...We say goodbye and I go home.

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