Chapter 25 - So close and yet so far

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"I don't." As he rubbed his eyes, he shook his head.

"Wait a sec." Her brows formed a line. "How long has it been since you drank blood last time?"

"Two and a half months," he mumbled, his eyes escaping hers.

She crossed her arms. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"What does it mean?" Trevor had to ask; he had no idea what the others were talking about.

"Vampires need to eat every three months, where food is blood in their case. And, of course, it depends on the amount of drunk blood. If it's too low, then the time shortens. It's the only way a vampire—"

"Eleonora, stop it," the blond interrupted.

"No. It's important. He cares for you, don't you see it?" She was speaking more to William than the brunet. "As I said, it's the only known way a vampire can die. By being starved, being forced to starve, or starving themselves." She swallowed. "So you're his last hope. His health will only worsen from now on."

"Eleonora, you can't make decisions for myself. I'm not a child," he snapped.

"Do you want to die then? I'm not letting you die!" She stood up, the vampire's stubbornness upsetting her. "I'm not letting you share the fate of..." But then she fell silent, like she had suddenly bitten her tongue.

William's face became hostile, his eyes glaring at the witch.

"The fate of who?"

"Never mind," she mumbled, looking away. "Do what you want to do, but don't forget about me, please. I have feelings. And I'm stupid enough to love you." Then she turned around.

"I know, Elie. But I cannot use Trevor or make him feel like I keep him around just to be my private blood bank." His voice was becoming lower with every word spoken.

"Maybe you should ask me first?" Trevor said, disappointment in his tone. "I'm not an object you two can argue about. 'I don't want to use him', 'You should use him'. I'm here. I'm literally here." He pointed at himself.

With tears in her eyes, Eleonora looked down at him. "Oh, Trevor, we know." She knelt beside him, placing her hand on his shoulder. "And you're right. You should choose whether or not you're okay with William's drinking your blood." A smile that appeared on her face wasn't fake, to the brunet's pleasant surprise.

However, William raised his finger in disapproval. 'It's also my choice.'

'You sound like a suicide.' She frowned. 'We just want to help you.'

'Yeah, let us help you.' Trevor beamed at the vampire.

'You're against me too?' William complained, rolling his eyes.

Trevor shrugged. 'If you hadn't kissed me, I wouldn't care that much.' His smile changed into teasing one.

As Eleonora took her hand off his shoulder, her eyebrows rose and eyes widened. 'You two kissed!?'

'Trevor. I hate you,' he snapped. 'No more kisses for you.'

'So it's true! You two kissed!' she exclaimed. 'I'm so happy for you guys.' She couldn't stop grinning.

Eleonora closed them both in a hug, William groaning slightly as he didn't get a chance to regenerate his strength yet. They made, in fact, a good team. The one that would support each other in a crisis, no matter how bad. The one that would talk their problems through eventually, not trying to carry them to their grave. Although they would surely pick William as the most mysterious one out of them.

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