Jaclyn bid the children goodbye, and stood turning to face the young woman who was waiting behind her. Eyes nearly the color of limes, hair styled in neat loose ringlets of strawberry.


"Oh, you know only the uni gang can get away with that nickname," she giggled, and Jaclyn joined in. Her laughter coarse and dying as her eyes scanned for an escape. Natania and Leo were already gone, opting out of mingling, and no one else appeared to be wanting to start up a conversation.

"Right," Jaclyn exhaled, awkwardly scuffing the carpet with the toe of her shoe.

Olivia, or Lady Olivia Richards the daughter of some rich baron, was an early Uni fling of William's. Back when they had first broke up, and he spent a little too much time trying to drown his sorrows in other girls. It was no secret though the girl was infatuated with the blonde prince, and she made no effort to hide it.

Olivia was convinced William and her were soulmates. That she would be better suited in Jaclyn's position. The British populace probably thought so too. Olivia was a well connected member of the high society, and the true definition of an English rose.

Where Jaclyn was pasty and often red flushed, Olivia was fair. The blonde frizzed waves she had to hide to avoid ridicule Olivia's curls were flouncy and full. Her voice was soft, and her image presented to the public reflected that in all the charities she was dedicated to.

"So, how'd you like the show?" Jaclyn asked. She made no attempt to make her smile sincere, Olivia knew the truth just as Jaclyn did, and even more so there was a sinking suspicion that this girl was the one talking to the press.

"It was good, and you!" She exclaimed her ruby colored lips parting in a nearly teasing smile. "You're such an actress. Although, I suppose it's easier when your life is the story."

"What do you mean by that?"

Olivia looked taken back, or at least had the decency to do so, "I only mean that William was all over Kate last weekend, but don't blame him. She's always been one to throw herself at greener pastures-"

"That's really not how-" Jaclyn tried to interupt, but was halted.

"And poor Charlie! He's so sensitive-"

"Olivia, has anyone told you speaking of someone when they are not around to defend themselves speaks poorly of your character?" Jaclyn siezed, and she wasn't even the one being scolded. Once again there was a distinctiveness to the voice that stood out.

Kate Middleton carried a more demanding presence than Olivia could ever dream of. Perhaps, it was because she wasn't really trying, and where Olivia terrorized people into submission Kate was simply kind. And beautiful. Ridiculously, simply beautiful. It helped that her dress tonight framed her lithe figure perfectly, and the Ruby red made her more endearing in a way.

Behind the tall leggy brunette trailed her boyfriend. Charles Howard, despite his position in life, his eyes diverted down the rims of his thick glasses, allowing curls to fall freely down his forehead.

"You know me," Olivia laughed, "Always teasing."

Kate pursed her lips, humming knowingly, but said nothing.

Awkwardly, the four of them stood by, distanced oddly as if to prevent the urge to pounce on each other. The room seemed to grow tighter with people with more eyes coming around to them causing a trance only broken by Charlie.

He waved slightly with his dimpled smile and bashful coloring. "You were great up there, Jac."

Jaclyn beamed, lit up with stage makeup still covering her features, but before she could respond, Olivia nudged in front of her. "Charlie! I almost missed you!" Her hand grasped his shoulder pulling him into a hug. At the same instant he leapt away Kate shoved herself forward. Not to be menacing, but everyone knew Charlie had his boundaries, and here Olivia was shoving past them. Everyone knew why. If she failed to weasel her way back into William's arms, and Jaclyn would give anything to prevent that from happening, then she would take the next best thing.

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