No, I'm new.

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"Don't be late!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know"

I rushed out the door of my new hunter green home in South Park, Colorado. I didn't really choose to move here specifically. My mom chose the location, but I don't care all that much. It's a huge difference from New York though. She decided she couldn't stand living in New York anymore after my dad left to get milk. (I'm kidding, motherfucker was an addict) I continued to make my way to my new school; South Park High school. I'll be starting my Junior year there.

I looked at the mountains of snow shoveled to the edge of the sidewalk. Most places usually don't have snow in mid-September. Despite that, the weather here isn't so bad. It's cold as shit for most people but being constantly warm is great for cold weather. I let out a deep breath and watch my breath in the cold air. The houses here all look the same: cute and dainty. I hear chattering and I see my school. I walk into the parking lot and see some pretty girls hop out of a bright red Lexus.

'Ah~, so the people here have cash'

I walk to the doors of the school and push them open. I see a few people turn to look at me and then whisper to the people next to them. I quirked an eyebrow and continued onwards to go to the main office but a tall guy with an orange hoodie stops me in tracks. He pulls down his hood and reveals his blonde hair and face to me. Are his eyes purple? He speaks,

"Ooo~, you're a new face. We don't get those a lot here in South Park."

He looks me up and down, smirks, and then continues,

"The name's Kenny McCormick!" he says, as he reaches out a hand.

I shake it and introduce myself as well.

"Roxanne. I moved here from New York City a week ago"

"Oh? That's a huge difference compared to this shithole." He says as he turns away from me.

I chuckle at his choice of words. He leans his head over his left shoulder.

"I can assume you're heading to the main office right? Follow me, I can get you there" He gives a toothy smile as he motions his head to a hallway on the right.

I was almost taken aback by his kindness. I nodded and he started walking so I followed. The walk to the office was generally silent between us but I did take note that Kenny was pretty (very) good-looking and that South Park probably didn't get many new people so my arrival was probably a phenomenon of sorts. Then a group of three boys ends our silence.


We both whipped our heads to the right and see an chubby guy with a yellow and blue beanie leaning on a locker. I think his eyes are two different colors. He seemed pissed at Kenny. On his left, was a boy wearing a green ushanka, holding some textbooks. He also seemed pissed, but not at Kenny, but at the fat guy. On the right, was another guy who had on a light brown jacket and red and blue beanie. His eyes were a pretty shade of cobalt blue. He looked apathetic towards the two of them.

"The fuck do you want, Cartman?" groaned Kenny, as he rolled his eyes.

"You really ditched us for some bitch? Who even is that anyways?!" yelled 'Cartman'.

Listen, people say New Yorkers talk in a weird accent but this guy's voice is giving me a fucking migraine.

"Fucking fatass! She's the person that moved here a few days ago!"

I directed my attention to green hat dude. Now that I'm looking he's kinda cute too.

"Shut up, you stupid jew! I wasn't asking you! Kinny, who is the bitch?" 'Cartman' barked.

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