Chapter IV

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Xie Lian and Hua Cheng left Paradise Manor talking, it was almost the end of the afternoon now, when a monster approached.

"Lord Hua Chengzhu, there's a fight at the market! Some humans are involved, perhaps my Lord could tell'em to leave the city".

Xie Lian silently questioned if this was Shi Qinxuan's party and looked at Hua Cheng, who nodded, probably seeing on his right eye that Xie Lian could not see.

They went over to the place of the fight and found a commotion that quickly broke apart as they saw Hua Cheng had arrived. As the gap opened in the crowd, two figures were left clutching at each other's throats on the ground, and one of them was Shi Qinxuan.

"What's going on? Didn't I say these humans were to be left unharmed?", Hua Cheng asked in a cold voice.

The monster quickly let go and kneeled in front of Hua Cheng. "Yes, my Lord. Please, punish this low servant as you wish, but this useless tr... human was trying to steal from my shop".

Hua Cheng and Xie Lian stared Shi Qinxuan from above, since he was still sitting on the ground. He showed them what he was holding and both looked at each other while pondering. It was a beautifully adorned fan, previously owned by Shi Qinxuan. He stuffed it in the monster's face and started walking away. Xie Lian ran after him, while Hua Cheng told the mob to scram and followed them from a distance.

"It's not like I care anymore, but it was an instinct. I'm not even mad! When I realized, I was already going for it. I'm sorry for causing trouble to Lord Hua Chengzhu and Dianxia", Shi Qinxuan apologized putting his hands together.

Xie Lian pitied him and explained it was no trouble, while trying to think of a subject to distract his friend from previous frustrations. "You know, your advice the other day, cough cough, it was actually really good". He thought he could manage talking about it, but quickly felt the embarrassment choking him.

"Oh, really? You waste no time, I must say, Dianxia. That explains the ease atmosphere the Ghost King is exhaling right now". Shi Qinxuan looked behind and noticed Hua Cheng staring at him. He waved a hand and the Lord briefly nodded before looking away.

Shi Qinxuan turned to Xie Lian and held his arm to pull him closer. "If I may, I would suggest Dianxia to make a move to surprise Hua Chengzhu, but I don't mean to intrude."

Xie Lian felt they were behaving like to maidens gossiping, but still went with the flow. "Well, tell me your advice and I can think about it. I'm sure it must be int..." Right then, he noticed a very small wraith butterfly sitting at Shi Qinxuan's shoulder. What kind of butterfly was that? Was it for listening, or only following...?

Before he could do anything, Shi Qinxuan whispered in his ear, "Try using your mouth more! Licking, sucking, swallowing. Be creative, Dianxia", and then winked at him.

Xie Lian felt his cheeks redden and started coughing madly. Hua Cheng asked in his private communication array if Gege was upset by this presence, if he wanted San Lang to chase Shi Qinxuan away, but Xie Lian said it was fine.

Xie Lian stopped walking and let Hua Cheng catch up to them, thanking Shi Qinxuan for the pleasant talk and waving him goodbye.

"Did he say anything to offend Gege?", Hua Cheng asked curiously, while they were going back to Qiandeng temple.

Suddenly, Xie Lian felt the urge to cough again, but it would sound too obvious. Swallowing his urge, he replied as calmly as he could, "No, no, of course not. He was just being too creative, that's all".

The sun set at the temple. Some hours after, a funny prayer came from Puqi shrine. It mentioned a youth carrying a green flame around the village, what sounded too familiar for Xie Lian not wanting to go there himself. Of course, Hua Cheng did not hesitate to follow him and in a second, he threw a pair of dice in front of a side door at the temple and both left.

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