Chapter III

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Xie Lian had just woken up but felt terrible. He was supposed to compensate Hua Cheng's efforts in pleasing him last night, but he fell asleep instead. He sat and did not see the Ghost King anywhere inside the temple. He then stood up and saw his reflex on a silver tray close by. There was a faint purple stain in his neck, which Ruoye was quickly told to cover as he went out to look for Hua Cheng.

However, things did not usually go as planned for Xie Lian and the entire morning was spent in a flash. He was walking fast, thinking of how he would like to compensate Hua Cheng and blushing, when he heard several thuds. He looked around and discovered an old-Lady ghost had dropped a lot of weird-looking things from her bag. He came closer and helped her, but the ghost did not let him go anymore. She started telling stories of all her misfortunes in her previous life and called him "Granduncle-Daozhang", so Xie Lian felt he should donate a bit of his time while sitting for a cup of tea (even though he did not dare touching his cup).

By lunchtime, Yin Yu came and told him the Ghost King was waiting for him at the Manor, so he took the opportunity to flee.

Inside the dining room at the Manor, Hua Cheng was sitting in front of a long table filled with all kinds of food, looking bored. When he saw Xie Lian entering, his eye flashed and he smiled. Xie Lian's heart skipped a beat as he felt that smile was made only for him. The strings of worries in his heart loosened up a bit.

"I heard Gege was taken hostage by an elder", Hua Cheng remarked, "I just really hope Gege didn't taste the tea she served you..."

Xie Lian smiled back and sat, "She was very kind to offer, but no, I didn't."

They talked over the food and headed for the Ghost King's room to rest for a bit. While they were laying on the big bed, Hua Cheng was combing Xie Lian's hair with his fingers. It felt so natural, Xie Lian thought, as if he was always meant to do it.

"Dianxia, if I'm allowed to say, talking to Shi Qingxuan yesterday seemed to help you feel a little more confident."

"Is that right? Hahaha, I'm not sure I'm confident now... But, wait... Confident about what? How did you know...".

Of course Hua Cheng knew. How else would rumor spread to the ears of Shi Qingxuan's friends about cheap things sold at the Ghost City" and how could they have entered and remained unharmed?

Hua Cheng showed his teeth in a big smile and gripped him in a bear-hug. "I only meant to provide Gege with an opportunity to discuss matters with someone else other than me". He looked like a naughty boy and added between his teeth, "Since I made sure it would be in my favor".

Xie Lian was stunned to be set up like this, but he also did feel guilty. He was still feeling low for lacking in reading Hua Cheng's desires and leaving him wanting. While remembering the feeling that burst through him last night, and being hugged so close by Hua Cheng, he felt an unprovoked reaction in between his legs and looked down.

More embarrassingly, Hua Chen also noticed it and peered down, returning to look at Xie Lian's face with an arched brow.

"San Lang, I want to ask you something", Xie Lian said with a grave tone, trying to distract the Ghost King.

"What is it, Gege? I'm all ears.", Hua Cheng replied, carelessly raising his leg and resting it on top of Xie Lian's hips, causing him to shudder.

Xie Lian made an effort to steady his voice, although he could feel his knees trembling, and continued, "Would it be appropriate... Well, not appropriate. Would you like me to retribute... Hm, it sounds like an obligation if I say it like this. Wait... Anyway, what is the best time to... Well, to... Perhaps, feel like last night again?"

"Every moment is a good moment for it, Gege. At least for me". Hua Cheng replied in a serious tone, but using his leg to press down over Xie Lian's hardness.

Xie Lian then took a deep breath and placed Hua Cheng lying on the bed. He started unbuttoning Hua Cheng's robes, stealing a glance at his expression every now and then.

"San Lang, why are you looking at me like that? You're making me blush, why don't you close your eyes?".

"Please, Gege, I had to live many years without looking at Gege as I wished. Let me admire Gege's work while he is so focused", Hua Cheng cried in a begging tone, making Xie Lian worry that this would certainly turn him into an even more spoiled child.

He chased away those thoughts when Hua Cheng's robes were completely open. What a sight! It was like a piece of art; his abdomen was bafflingly well defined. Xie Lian put both hands to his chest for support and lowered his head. He started planting soft kisses on Hua Cheng's clavicle, then surrounding his nipples and finally, very shyly, put his tongue out to rub it.

Hua Cheng contorted and could not help himself but to wrap over Xie Lian and invert their positions on the bed. Xie Lian was surprised and, when they faced each other, he widened his eyes. In Hua Cheng's eyes something wild was scintillating, as if he could eat Xie Lian with his stare, his body pressing down heavily on him.

Still, Xie Lian managed to find the strength to beg. "San Lang, I was trying to please you but now it looks like you're about to punish me. Let me continue what I was doing, if you could just...".

He was trying to release the grip while speaking but Hua Cheng only started kissing his jawline and answered in between kisses, "Gege, I know it, but my instincts are always to please you instead. Let me make you feel like yesterday again."

"No, San Lang. Stop it. I was putting a lot of effort here. Quit that, let me have a try". Xie Lian was released as Hua Cheng felt he was resolute in his desire, and inverted their positions again. Hua Cheng's outer robes fell behind his back, his snow-white torso completely exposed.

Xie Lian faced Hua Cheng and felt his cheeks redden more for being so bold. He shook away the feeling and started unbuttoning the Ghost King's trousers.

Once freed, he looked at Hua Cheng's erection and tried to calm himself. He remembered yesterday and slowly wrapped his hands around it, starting to move up and down. He was paying too much attention to his own movements since he did not want to mess it up and decided to ask if he was doing correctly.

He was about to speak when he heard a deep sound and looked up. Hua Cheng had his eyes closed now and his hands were deeply clutching the sheets. That sound was coming from his throat, as his head rolled from one side to the other.

Xie Lian guessed it was a good sound and increased the speed of his hands. He was feeling a throb in between his fingers and Hua Cheng started to moan out loud, when he suddenly contorted and ripped the sheet he was pulling on. He let out a deeply pleased sound in a breath and added as if begging, "Slowly, Gege, move slowly now", until he sighed and relaxed his body.

Xie Lian let go and stared intently at the substance now covering his hands. He stood up bearing a satisfied smile to himself, pecked on Hua Cheng's cheek and left for the bathroom. The Ghost King was sprawled on top bed, looking Xie Lian go with even more devotion, if that was possible.

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