𝙾𝚠𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚛 𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚘𝚛?

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"Ok class take out your books we are reading today" mr.Moore says. Everybody begins to take out they book.

I feel a hand tap my shoulder I turn around to see Trevor "what?". "Can we share books? I left mines at home.

"How are we going to share books?" He shrug his shoulders. "Excuse me ms.Jones and mr.Carter why do I hear talking?".

I turn back around "I left my book at home sir" mr.Moore groans. "Both of you detention for talking in class and also you leaving your book".

"Is he serious? Like seriously I'm busy out of all of the days he could of got me detention but he get me detention on Tuesday".

"The day I'm suppose to chill without homework" I thought to myself. I did a low groan rolling my eyes  my phone vibrate on my leg.

"Sorry" Trevor texted me "it's ok" I responded opening the book. "You can read the chapter in detention"I texted him.

"Ok thank you"

"Hey best friend" Simone sits next to me "this is not your class" she nodded. "Be quiet and I know it's a sub here today anyway".

"Some students was taking about English class that you and Trevor was texting and he asked you can you share books with him is it true?".

"It is he his my neighbor I mostly have all my neighbors number" she looks at me. "The only person you have in your phone that's your neighbor is Larry don't try to pull that on me".

"So what is the problem Simone?"  I look at her "do you like Trevor?" I shook my head. "I don't like Trevor" .

"You knew I liked Trevor what the hell?" She exclaimed. "Simone you have a boyfriend when your in a relationship you don't like other men".

"So" she paused "there's no fucking so if you have a boyfriend you should be loyal". "Excuse me did you not just kissed his brother a few days ago".

"Out of all the guys here you picked Trevor the one I liked since he came" I groan. "Jesus Simone your such a self centered bitch" she looks at me.

"I'm a self centered bitch? You literally pick boys to mess with then forget about them. Not to mention that you rejected Owen after he was being nice".

"Trust me I know the difference between being nice and just wanting sex" she rolls her eyes. She leave the room mad at me.

"Fucking bitch" I roll my eyes I put my head down on the desk. I feel a hand grip my leg I lift my head "yes".

"How are you doing?" Owen asked me "um good" everything is awkward since our last talk. "How are you?" He nodded "I'm good as well".

We both nodded in awkwardness "do you like croissants?" He asked me. "Sure why?" He picks up my pencil.

"See I get why you don't like me cause you think I only want you for sex but I'm giving you reasons why I don't just want sex".

He grabs a piece of paper and write the number one on there "number one I like you". I look at him "want me to go on?" I shook my head.

"I just think about it Owen your pretty nice but I don't know if your the one for me" I smiled without showing any teeth.

"I understand" he gets up and leave me I put my head down. I'm starting to realize everyday I talk to Owen the more he get soft first when I met him he was completely a asshole.

I made my way to the detention room nobody was in there but me and the posters that's hanging off the wall.

Few minutes after I took my seat Trevor sits next to me. "Hey neighbor" he looks at me "hello" I pass him my book.

"Thank you so much" I nodded and laid back on my sit "so you guys will be in here for 45 minutes when I get back you guys better still be in that seat".

The teacher leaves the classroom Trevor begins to read. I just sat there patiently waiting for detention to end which was taking long.

Trevor puts the book down "your done?" He shook his head. "I know what page I'm on I read the rest at home".

Teachers leave the school when teachers are in detention you know that?" I shook my head. "How do you know?".

"Let's say my uncle work at the cameras he can see everything". "So let's go my uncle will cover for us everything will be fine".

I got up putting everything in my bag "come on" he grabs my hand and leads me out the door. We ran threw the empty classrooms.

"I never imagined the school to be this empty" I smiled as I looked around. "This is my second week I've experienced more then you".

We came across the empty room nobody ever go inside. We walk inside the room he wasn't really big but big enough to be a bedroom.

"I never thought they would have a secret room in George Miller High School". "They probably have a lot of rooms they don't use".

We sit down on the couch not to old cause it wasn't dusty which means they put this couch in here recently.

"Oh look it's a book" he goes over towards the book "it's To All the Boys I've Loved Before" I grab the book. "Let me see".

"I wonder if somebody own this book" I look at the cover. "Take it I'm pretty sure nobody is reading it" I nodded and sat on the couch.

I begin to read "your seriously reading right now?" I smile at him. "Yea why not?" He chuckles "just wait a second and chill with me".

I put the book in bag "reading two books at once is really frustrating"  I shook my head. He grabs my hand I look at him our faces begin to get closer.

His lips met my lips I slowly bring my body closer to his. My hand goes around his neck as his hand places on my face.

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