"Wait okay, I'm sorry but seriously who the hell are you and what's your business here?" The "lead" werewolf said

"Jacob." Bella said in a soft warning tone

"Your father's mother was my aunt, so I'm technically your great aunt, you could show some respect, puppy." She sneered, aggravated with the way he spoke to her.

"Excuse me?" He said incredulous

"Are you daft or deaf?" She spat

"Vera." Carlisle said putting his hand out, trying to calm her down

"Ok I don't know who or what you are but you're going to want to can it." The werewolf, Jacob said as his body started shaking, a telltale sign of him about to shift

"Jacob." the two werewolves behind him started trying to calm him down

Vera rolled her eyes, testosterone filled, alpha maled men. Seriously. Reaching into his mind, altering his current desire -which was to make her afraid of him- she left him a message, which she decided to verbalized, you know, for the effect.

"You desire nothing more than to please me right now"

"Get on your knees and control yourself"

Like compulsion, Jacob was on his knees in front of her. The other werewolves stared at her in fear, she had not only gotten him to kneel, but she had gotten him to stop the shift. And the other vampires stared at her in wonder, mind control? They wondered, either way they were confounded by the half breed in front of them.

"You can get up now." She said once he was visibly calmer

"Well, now." Her father spoke up, although he was undeniably proud of his daughter he didn't like how one she always made herself such an obvious target and two that she had very likely just made an enemy out of someone who was supposed to be family.  "Carlisle how can we help?"

"Your guys' help would be appreciated, we need all the help we can get protecting Bella and the rest of the town." The wavy haired one said

"Alright we're in." Vera said, she knew her father would do anything to help Carlisle and her family and she would do anything to help her father

" We're in too." Jacob said after glancing at Quil and Embry who gave a chaste nod. He would do anything to protect Bella, Vera had seen Bella all wrapped and tangled up in nearly every single one of his desires. Shame she was in love with another  Vera thought.

"Well, we were planning a training session later today, fighting newborns needs knowledge that Jasper has, 3 o'clock in the clearing-neutral ground. You're all welcome to come." Carlisle said, looking mostly at Jacob and the other werewolves.

"We'll be there." Jacob said with a nod and left, the other two trailing him.

"What just happened? What did you do? Jacob's thoughts-" Edward asked walking in, late to his own sister's party

"I made him calm down." Vera said as if that should be self-evident

"He seems to think you're a witch." Edward said crossing the room to be next to Bella

"Maybe I am." Vera said shrugging, not particularly in the mood to explain herself

"If you don't mind me asking." The wavy blonde, Jasper said "What are you?"

"A vampire." Vera said "With Quillette blood."

"How is that even possible?" Edward said, curiosity written all over his perfect features

"Do you understand how sex works?" Vera asked him sarcastically

"Vera." Her father warned

"Sorry." She said, unapologetically

"Long story short I fell in love with an elder's daughter, I haven't a clue as to how the conception was possible since I was a vampire at the time, but I can only assume it's nature's will." Her father explained, much nicer than Vera would have.

"Half vampire half werewolf?" Jasper asked astonished "I've never heard of a vampire and a werewolf together let alone a vampire being able to procreate."

"You'll drive yourself to insanity if you try to find an explanation." Vera said, having spent nearly four decades straight trying to come up with an elucidation for her being created

"Are you? I mean can you shift? How much you know...werewolf are you?" Edward asked, not sure how to ask the question without being too callous.

"I don't know, I'm not sure how and I've never really tried." Vera replied honestly

"She does have the temper of one that's for sure." Her father said chuckling while she gave a lighthearted scowl.

"And you're gifted too, yes?" Jasper asked, inquisitive about the scene that happened with Jacob

"Yes, I can manipulate a person's desire, how? I don't know." Vera said, thinking about how she did it with Jacob, lodging herself into his head without consent

"It's like your gift, Jasper, but exponentially more powerful. Do you realize how omnipotent you are? If you wanted to you could make someone do anything you want, simply by altering all of their desire to make you happy, make an army of compelled soldiers to do your bidding." Edward said, he was entranced by the gift and also a little weary, it was exactly the kind that would grab the Volturi's attention if they weren't careful, and exactly the kind that leads to corrupt power. 

"How did you...?" Vera asked, surprised at his sudden knowledge of her gift and of the command she used on Jacob

"I read your mind." Edward said

She didn't respond, damn now she would have to be careful about her thoughts around him

"Well, it would certainly be useful against the newborns." Jasper said, easing some of the tension

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