Chapter 17: Your Answer

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Just as you had healed my nightmares, I intended to heal your insomnia. Slowly, day by day, night by night, I wanted to fight your insecurities by your side. And one day, I thought we would close our eyes, having overcome our struggles side by side, as two normal people who could be in peace just like everyone else, without trouble and nightmares.

I'm sorry I never got the chance to return everything to you.

I'm sorry I never thanked you for loving me.

I'm sorry that I can't say goodbye.

I'm sorry...that I have to live without you.


"Will you be able to take part in the next expedition?" Erwin asked.

"Yes sir," you responded immediately.

"Are you sure about this?" Eld, your second-in-command asked.

"As squad leader, I have a duty to uphold to humanity," you said. "I can't waste any more time than I already have."

"Then I take it you've recovered?" Erwin inquired.

You gave him a long stare. The air between you radiated as if silent words were being exchanged. Finally, Erwin blinked and looked away. It was the first time you had been so firm with him, your savior. It was a terribly lonely reminder...of just how much the one you loved had meant to you.

"I see," Erwin said. "Then ensure that the Special Operations Squad is at hand. I will summon you for your assignment shortly."

"Yes, sir."

"Are you really alright with this, squad leader (Name)?" Eld asked as the two of you walked through the hallway. "You haven't put on maneuver gear ever since—"

"I've had enough experience. I should be fine," you said.

"If you're sure," Eld said. "But know that we of the Special Operations Squad are here for you. And we are proud to serve under you."

You smiled. "Eld, thank you."


Even in its harshest moments, life moves on. Time will continue to pass no matter how much or how long one wishes to deny its existence. The world consists of an endless cycle of life and death. It is only a matter of time before one realizes that and moves on.


"Squad leader (Name)!"

You turned around. "Petra?"

"A message has arrived for you," Petra explained, holding out a piece of parchment. "I haven't seen it," she reassured.

"Thank you," you said, taking the paper and heading to your office.

You sat down, opening the note.

It's a long story.

You frowned. What was a long story?

You flipped the paper over.


What was the meaning of this?

Before you could discard it as a misplaced message, Oluo burst into the office, waving his arms, panting, and looking at you, wide-eyed.

My Ice Heart is Yours [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now