6. What now...

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Harry pov:
I couldn't... I could neve kill Allie.
I looked at her.
"What are you waiting for?" I asked and she smiled softly.
"For you to return to your sister..." she said as she opened her hand.
A small plant was in it and I looked at her.
"What's that?"
"The only plnt I'm deadly allergic too..."
"Wait what?!"
She collapsed and I rushed by her side.
"But how...?"
"I knew the two of us would remain... I have no one to go back to... you have your little sister... you said you were all she had..."
She looked at me.
"I know you helped me... But it's time to return the favour..."
"Allie... I-"
But a canon shot blasted and her eyes were coldly staring at me.

A few guards took me out of that arena a few moments after that.
I was the survivor of the first hunger games and there were coming more...
I couldn't imagine that more people would have to slaughter each other. To kill each other just like that...

I was finally allowed to go home later that night...
And Cj instantly hugged me.
"Harry!" she said and I wrapped my armd around her.
"Hey little sis..."
I hugged her tightly, being glad I could see her again.
She looked at me.
"Are you okay...?"
"I will be... I just can't believe I killed Chad... And that Allie killed herself so I could come back to you..."
"It's over... you survived..."
She hugged me once more and then Mal walked into the room, instantly kissing me.
"I missed you too Mal." I said and she looked at me.
"I'm so glad you survived, my pirate."
I saw she had worried tears in her eyes and I hugged her.
"I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere."
"Good... Because then our daughter won't have to grow up without her father." she said and I looked at her.
"Come again?"
"I'm pregnant Harry... You're going to be a father."
"You... you're being serious?"
She nodded and I kissed her again.
Mal looked at me.
"It's still in your head isn't it...?"
"The way Allie looked when she was dead or how I killed Chad...?"
She looked at me.
"It's okay... You'll probably need time... And that's understandable..."
"Is it? I killed for Allie becausr I promised her that I would protect her and then she killed herself!"
Mal cupped my face in her hands.
"Calm down... please..."
I sighed and she hugged me.
"It's okay Harry... you had no choice..."

Small recap of the upcoming 18 years:
Harry had to tutor, train and help other people to be ready for the next hunger games. All of those people he trained died and it's been hunting him. Because he felt responsible for it.
Mal and Harry's daughter was called Eleanor and they also got another daughter three years later and they called her Christin.
This year both of the girls could be chosen to be brought to the arena. But things have changed. All states of Auradon tributed one girl and one boy. So if the girls were chosen it would only be one of them.
Also the ages have changed of tributes now it's fifteen to twenty.
But that's been Harry's and Mal's biggest nightmare since Eleanor turned fifteen.
Eleanor it now 18 and Christin is fifteen.

Eleanor pov:
Today was the tributes day again.
My dad hated this day more then anything, especially since there was now a dubble chance that one of his daughters would have to fight in the 19th hunger games.
Christin was scared, she didn't want to fight at all.
She came into my room and I looked at her.
"Hey, are you okay little duckling?"
"What if I get chosen...?"
"Come here..." I said and I hugged her.
"I don't want to Eleanor..."
"Calm down... It's your first year, I've been not-selected for three years... What are the odds...?"
I whiped Christins tears away with my thumbs and I looked at her.
"We have to go... Mom and dad will be there too since dad survived the first hunger games and has to train the tributes of the Hook's bay."
I quickly finished both or our braids and then we left.
Mom and dad had already left since they had to be there earlier.

We arrived and had those machines to sting in our finger to check we were there and not somewhere else.
Christin had to go to the girls of her age and I quickly hugged her before we went separate ways.
I saw how mom and dad were looking, thr same fear as last year.
That their daughter was going to be chosen. And now they had two who could be chosen.
"Happy hunger games! As last year, ladies first." that stupid announcer said as she picked a card from the girls bowl.
"Let's see... Christin Hook!" she said as she read the card and I saw how Christin's expressiom changed and mom grabbed Harry's hand because she was worried.
A few guards had to take Christin out of the crowd and she was so scared.
I just...
"I VOLUNTEER!" I yelled out of nowhere as I stepped out of the crowd.
"I volunteer as tribute." I said and rhe guards released Christin.
I hugged her.
"Go to mom as soon as you can." I said and the guards escorted me to the stage thing...
The announcer looked at me.
"What's your name?"
"Eleanor Hook..."
"I bet she was your little sister..."
I closed my eyes as a tear fell down my cheek.
"Onto the boys then." the announcer said and I saw that mom was trying so hard to hold her tears back and I saw how worried and frustrated dad was... But he kept a calm face.
"Tyler Kennedy."
An old friend of mine... We used to be close but ever since the first games I could've been selected... we stopped talking.
He was escorted to the stage too and the announcer pushed us to each other.
"This year's tributes of the Hook's bay! Happy hunger games. And may the odds ever be in your favour."

We were both brought to separate rooms where they would let us talk to our most important people we knew. Most of the time family only, but in case with orphans; their best friends.
My mind was spinning... My little sister was chosen and I took her place...
The door opened an my mom and Christing were brought in.
"You have five minutes." a guard said and my mom hugged me.
"Eleanor..." she said and I looked at her.
"I couldn't let Christin- I-"
"It's okay baby... It's okay..." she said.
Christin hugged me too.
"I wish I was as brave as you sis..."
"I'm not brave Christin believe me... I'm just as scared as you were..." I said and my mom pressed a kiss on my forehead.
"Here... I found this earlier this week in your room." Christin said and she gave me a little pirate penning I found on the beaches once.
I held it in my hand tightly and I looked at my mom.
"Where's dad...?"
"They wouldn't let him come to you since you will be seeing him the next two weeks... during the travel to the new arena and during the preparation week..."
"Right... He's going to train me and Tyler..."

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