1. How it all begun

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So first a little intro before we start with the pov's of the six main characters:

It all started after one year of peace where VK's and AK's lived happily together.
Adam talked to Ben about an idea to keep the peace up, not that he told Ben exactly what it was... just that he had to approve it.
Ben was a bit suspicious but he trusted his dad so he did. His dad was in full charge of it so wouldn't get the blame of anything, or so he thought.
Some people still gave him the blame since he approved it.

Now we start a few moments before the big new program was announced to the people of Auradon:

Harry pov:
So it was exactly a year ago today that they broke the barrier down, also one week before my little sister would turn 14.
I was just hanging out with her since we only had each other, mom and dad both died... just like Harriette
But today was supposed to be fun so we tried to make it fun.
Everyone was in a happy mood and so were the two of us.
"Hey wanna go to the lake? They say that they're having a big party there." Cj said and I looked at her but as soon as I wanted to answer to her, my phone buzzed and it was a text of Mal.
"Hang on Cj... Mal just texted, everyone has to come to the town square... I guess fun time is over. C'mon let's go."
"Alright... But you owe me more sibling bond time."
"Yea, yea."

So as we got there Mal and the others looked at us.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"I kinda might've screwed up by approving an idea of my dad without knowing exactly what it was..." Ben said and his dad was trying to get the attention of everyone.
Mal sighed.
"Well this can't be good..."
"Attention, everyone. I'm sorry to disturb you all today but as you all know, we accomplished a year of peace between VK's and AK's, between heroes and villians. To keep up that, we all must remember that fighting always causes pain. Which is why there will be a new event starting; the hunger games. Four girls, two boys, one survivor." he said and a lot of people started freaking out.
"Oh come on, to keep up peace let 6 people kill each other off. What a bullshit!" Jay yelled and I gave him a nudge to shut up.
"There won't be a difference between AK's aand VK's. The six selected will be between te ages of 15 and 18." Adam said as he continued.
Carlos looked at me.
"Well hopefully for you, you won't get selected since you haven't touched a blade in almost 8 months..." he muttered.
"Shut up dogboy. What are the odds anyway." Uma said.
Adam had these two bowls of names, a boy and a girl bowl.
Man what was I glad that my little sister was only gonna turn 14 next week...
For some reason I just had this feeling I was gonna be in it.
Evie grabbed Carlos his hands and I saw that Cj took mine, she had the same feeling as I had.
"But of course, ladies first." Adam said and I saw how all girls got nervous, even Evie, Mal and Uma.
"First one, Allie..." Adam said and a very young looking 15 year old nervous girl was taken out of the crowd.
"Alice her daughter..." Mal muttered.
Adam took a second card...
"Number two, Desiree..."
Uma rolled her eyes.
"I guess I'll get a free spot in ny crew."
Gil sighed and then number three of the ladies.
A small pixie flew towards the other two girls and then for the girls the most nerve wrecking moment, the last one.
"Last but not least..."
Then Adam's expression changed.
"No..." Ben muttered, knowing she wouldn't stand a change against Desiree.
Mal squeezed his shoulder softly and then the guys were up...
"First of the boys..."
He picked up a card and looked right at me.
"Harry Hook..."
"Knew it..." I said softly and the others seemed a bit shocked, my little sister hugged me quickly before I had to go to the other selected...
"Last of the boys..." Adam said as he picked another card.
Abd well that guy almost passed out, he was really shocked.
"Happy hunger games. And may the odd ever be in your favour." Adam said coldly and the six of us were escorted somewehere else by a few guards.

We all got separsted and we all got this medical testing crap or something, to see if we were all healthy and free of injuries...
So that was awkward enough...
Especially since she even touched my little guy for some stupid reason... Which felt really uncomfortable...
For the rest is was a lot of dump tests on diseases and other injuries and a lot of bullshit.
All of us also got like this whole making perfect thing? I mean they made me wash the guy liner off my face like they made Desiree wash all the color lines off her face.
They even freaking cut our damn hair! Although that was also the only hair they didn't fully shave off, I mean literally. They shaved everything else, everything...
Which made me pissed of course. I mean what the hell was all this crap?!
Even some fairies came to made possible scars we had disapear. I mean come on! Even one I was actually proud of...
They all wanted us to look perfect for some reason... Sure what's more important then to look perfect when you have to kill eachother? Am I the only one who doesn't undertand that?
We also had to put some sort of uniforms on, dark grew with a small Auradon logo.
Horrible if you ask me.

Audrey seemed pretty scared, just like Allie.
Chad looked at me.
"Did you also had a woman touching-" he whispered.
"Shut up." I sissed and this guy who trained the knights looked at us.
"All six of you will be trained a few basucs which could be usefull. The rest of the preparation week is self preparation. We don't fight eachother before you've been brought into the arena." he said and we all were allowed to let this all sink in for now...
Then the realising happend, my sister was now all alone. I was all she had!
Although I was sure that Mal or Uma took her under their wing right now but still. What if I woukd get myself killed by Desiree for example? We never got to say goodbye or anything...
Luckly for me I was able to keep a little necklace with a small coin on it, Cj made it when we lost Harriette... So we'd always be together.
I made her a similar thing back then, except with a black pearl I found once by the shore.
I took it off for a moment and flipped it over in my hands.
"Where ever we are... We're not alone sis..." I said softly and I kinda kissed the coin for goodluck or something. Don't judge me.
I closed mt eyes for a moment and then the best memory I had with Cj popped up.
I chuckled as I thought about it and I put the necklace back on.
I looked at the coin one more time before I put it under my shirt again.
I just had to see my little sister at least one more time, but we weren't allowed to communicate with people of the outside world. It was just the six of us, till death.

The descendants hunger games {💯%}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon