Talent Show III

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That picture up there👆👆👆 is Reyna's hair.
That is what called for "ladder"

"The King and Queen of this year is......"


Still Reyna


Everyone is gasping . Yeah, everyone might think that Percabeth would win, like last year, and the year before, and before,.........

"Rey and Leo, please come uppppppp!!!" Sophie is fangirling, and much.

I begin to blush. Calm down Reyna, everything is fine. And don't blush!!! I told myself

We walks on the scene.

"Sophie" I begins "D'you put 1000 of notes with "Leyna" on it?!" Yeah, she had done it once. And that was last year, when she was totally upset with Wyssa. Even if they first got together last month. But that's another story.

"Nope." She answers.

"And the second place comes to...."

"SPLIT IT OUT!!!" Everyone yells, including me.

"But, what if Sophie didn't want to te..." Sophie begins. And she never had the chance to say the hole sentence cause the hole camp is screaming "SPLIT IT OUUUUUUUUTTTTT!!!"

"Okay, okay. But calm down plz."

"The second place comes to... TRATIE!!!!!!!!" Sophie screams.

"TRATIE! TRATIE! TRATIE! TRATIE!" Everyone cheers.

Travis looks happy, and Katie looks shocked. But she comes up , and so does Travis.

"And the third place goes to... OUR TRADITIONAL PERCABETH !!!!!!!!" Sophie ends.

Percabeth at the third place... Hm... Rare.


















**I've scared you, haven't I ?!**

Everybody begins to sing "Never grow up & Style" mixed together. That's really cool, you should've do it once too. This song is mixed by Sophie. That's a little... Yeah. But it's really good.

**time lapse cause I want**

I'm so tried. Idk why, everyone's in a "half-sleeping" modus. I check my clock. It was 2:48 am... Ops... I think that we'll never get up for breakfast at the morning. I looks for Leo, but he isn't here. I've already search the hole place. And so is Sophie, Jennie, linn, Travis, Connor, Kevin and Peter.

They must be in the game room. I runs to the game room, and find everyone there.


"Reyna! You're waking linn and Peter!" Sophie hiss.

I see them sleeping on a bed. Cute.

Travis and Sophie are playing x-box, Jennie and Leo are playing halo and Connor and Kevin are playing Mario kart. Connor's playing Mario?!

"Wtf Connor, why're you playing Mario with a 4th grade boy?!" I spat.

"Cause it's fun." He answers me without to take a look away from the TV. (Or what it called for...)

Kevin gives me a control, and open another "Mario cart tv" for me. "Sit down and play with us! You'll know it soon that Mario is soooooo fun!!!"

I have no choice, so I sit down and join them.

I must agree That Mario is really funny. We're playing though the hole night. Until we heard the breakfast bell. It was Fun, so fun.

"Let's go now." Sophie says.

Srry for "not updating" again.
Guys, try to translate "Will Percy Jackson ever die?" On Google
Into Greek. And copy the Greek sentence and translate that back to English.
Look at the answer, it's really fun!
Comment the answer
If you want.
Common guys, comment your answer!

Ilysm 💖

~ Sophie 😜💬

Ps. Tysm for 600. I wish that this book can be my hit!

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