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"Levi and Archer, they are gone," Bella quickly shook off those words.

"We live on a big farm. They are in some corner," She shrugs, not worried. Some days the two would wander off and only return to the house late at night. "I'm sure they saw a coyote or mountain lion and went after it."

"No, I'm telling you, I woke up, and they were gone. I followed their footprints even after crossing the river, and then they were gone. Along with them, there were tire marks," Her posture tenses, and she quickly is on her feet. "The security cameras are still intact. We can look at the footage to make sure," The information brings slight relief as at least she knows she can be certain her dinosaurs were either taken away or a simple coincidence.

"Let's go then," They don't even pack their stuff and drive to their house. Instead, they rush to the office room where all the monitors and computers are. It took them long minutes to find the exact time the supposed kidnapping happened. While they looked at the timestamps and at the monitor, Bella hoped they simply ran away after something. But, unfortunately, the images captured that previous night countered her wrong.

Dozens of men fired several tranquilizer shots at the dinosaurs. Others threw ropes and nets to bring them to the ground. The tranquilizers were so potent that the two hybrids barely had time to sink their claws or teeth into their assailants. Once unconscious on the ground, their mouths were secured. Two big trucks pulled by the tree line then carried the dinosaurs away from view.

Bella stared at the paused video with a blank stare. Damon silently changed from the recorded video to live images. With the sunlight, the marks of struggle and of their bodies being dragged away were clearly visible.

"Who could've done this? How did they know the Indos were here?" Damon asked softly.

"I-I'm not sure how they found them, but it was INGEN," She sighs, then sits on the chair behind her.

"How do you know that?" Damon is slightly taken aback at her answer.

"I saw their logo on the trucks, you dimwit," She glared at him as if he was the dumbest creature. But, in her mind, he always has been.

"What are we going to do now?" He takes a seat on the second chair next to her.

"You sure have a lot more questions than answers," She glares at him harder. "It doesn't help in the slightest," Her sadness is slowly turning into aggravation, and poor Damon is at the end of the stick.

"We are talking about hybrid dinosaurs that have a deep connection to you. Only you have worked on the field, so forgive my naiveness on the subject," He counterargues.

"No," She responds, not even a second later. "We obviously need to go get them," She gestures to the screen that displays the struggle on the forest floor. "I know where their base is. I just need to make some calls," She stands up and walks out of the room. She goes to her bedroom, then lays down on the bed with her phone in hand. Her finger hovers over a contact she never wanted to call again. But her dinosaurs were in danger, and she would do everything she could to take them back.

"Hello," The person answered after two beeps.

"Henry, I need your help again," If there's someone that can better help her get to her babies, it's the mad scientist that created them.

"I thought we've established you know more about the Indos than I do, even if I was the one that made them," The scientist was still a bit salty regarding past events and discussions.

"If you already knew that, why bother to complain about it," She deadpanned.


"I called you because INGEN took them at dawn while my brother and I were camping. Please tell me you know where their headquarters is or at least where they might have taken the hybrids," She doesn't omit anything. Omitting won't get her anywhere, plus she trusts the man that much.

There is a deafening silence for a few seconds.

"I'm sure you still have my email. Send me anything, and I'll reply to you with the address, security rotations, and their suppliers. I'll contact one of them and give them your number so you can arrange how you'll infiltrate," Henry's extensive cooperation is a slight surprise to which she is very grateful.

"Thank you, Henry. I hope one day I can repay you," She says in honesty.

"There's no need for that. I know how much those two mean to you. Maybe even to the point that I don't. And I know how... unethical and uncaring INGEN can be with their experiments and assets," She smiles then grimaces at the reminder of how uncaring INGEN's greed is. "I hope you find them," With that, Henry hangs up.

Bella gets out of bed and sits on her desk where her computer is. She sends via her new email account a message to the doctor. Ten minutes later, his reply contained everything he said he would send. She forwards it to her brother, and they have a plan by the end of the day.

One of INGEN's chemical suppliers contacted Bella and agreed on the plan. It consisted of them meeting a few kilometers away from the headquarters building. She would trade places with one of the workers in charge of taking and storing the chemicals ordered. From there, she will be able to walk away from the group. She will take advantage of the need to wear a mask to protect against toxic chemicals in the air and prevent contamination in the lab. Although she isn't famous, she is more than sure someone in INGEN knows the caretaker of the Indominus Rex. After all, they were part of some of the funding of the park.

The plan was set to take place in two days. Damon and his sister planned for everything that might happen, from the easiest of entries to life-and-death situations. She would do everything in her power to get her dinos back, even if it meant almost dying in the process.


You guys have been begging me to write a third book, and here it is!

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I'll update it once a week. This will give me time to write upcoming chapters without a hurry. I hope you guys like it!

Don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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