"Yeah, sleep was at a premium on that island. Nocturnal creatures and all. Fires only did so much."

Jessica nodded and scribbled down some more notes onto her clipboard. "Your next round of meds should be here in ten minutes. Would you like me to send your mother in?"

Johnny tried to sit up more but his bed was too far back, he felt around for the handheld controller to raise it up. Jessica smiled and leaned down to grab it for him. "Would you like me to sit you up, Mr.Dolaire?"

Johnny nodded, "Thank you. How long has she been here?"

He slowly sat up as the bed raised to a sitting position. He adjusted the joke of a blanket and made sure all of his private parts were unseen by straightening his hospital gown.

"Since you came in, sir. She was actually waiting on the ambulance to arrive."

He cocked an eyebrow at Jessica, his piercing blue eyes questioning her silently.

"She said she saw the news and made calls to figure out where you would be transported to. Sounds like she loves you a lot." Jessica said giving Johnny her best smile.

"Yeah, well, she's bat shit crazy. Tried to tell me my father ran off to find a dragon that burned down his old village and was a time traveler. Does that sound stable to you?" Johnny said as he fidgeted with the watch.

"That's an impressive story. I guess it's better than saying he took off with some skank from the local bar?"

"I guess. I never knew why she kept anything of his except his old leather duster and cowboy hat. Not sure why she did that. We haven't spoken in over four years." He said as he rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out.

Jessica frowned, "Well, she's here now."

She walked to the door and grabbed the handle, but before opening the door she turned to Johnny and winked, "There's more worlds than just this, Johnny."

He watched as she opened the door and motioned in his mother. Jessica left the doorway and never looked back. His mom appeared, dressed in black slacks and a loose flower pattern blouse. Her hair was beginning to gray and she had it pulled back into a bun. Her once porcelain face now had wrinkles at the eyes and edges of her mouth. How old was she now? 68?

"Johnny...I've missed you so terribly." She said with a warm smile as she crossed the room. She held his father's duster and hat close to her chest. Why had she brought them?

"Missed me so much that you never returned my calls, or letters or emails? That's a weird way to show it."

She ignored the barbed comment and pulled up one of the wooden and red fabric chairs next to his bed. Draping the duster over his bed rails and setting the hat on top, she looked into his eyes. She didn't have the piercing blue eyes that he had but the depth of her hazel eyes could always grab your attention.

"Johnny, you know I've been searching for the way to your father. He's not dead. Just like I knew you weren't dead. I know he's sometime and still alive."

Johnny shook his head side to side, here came the crazy talk. "Sometime huh? Still on that nonsense? Couldn't just say he found some strange and decided it was better than coming home to a wife and kid?"

She inhaled sharply and reached over and flicked his ear. "Ow! What the hell mom? I'm not a kid anymore, you can't do that shit!"

She flicked him again and said, "You'll speak to me with respect, son. There's things you just don't understand."

He rubbed his ear and gave his mom a glare, she really was crazy. "Time travel and dragons don't exist mom. There's literally no proof, why can't you just tell me the truth? Why is it that hard? Just say it, dad was a piece of shit deadbeat that didn't want a wife and kid anymore."

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