Chapter .3 / Painful Night

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(Y/N PoV)

I was walking outside of my room after taking a huge loss by a girl! I was very angry and hope-less... i  waddled my little feet down the stairs half way once I hear my friend and D-Dixie's voice!? I quickly stop and covered my mouth with my fatigued hands. 
(Y/N's Mind ) gosh DARNET!! Tha-that traitor resisted! I scream in my head thinking what to do-

Skcrrr- I hear a door open from up stairs,I got spooked and let a little yelp out... I covered my mouth once again trying not to let a single sound of noise come out my mouth. (No ones PoV) Yoink! I got you my little Y/N! Dixie holds Y/N up from his body up to Dixie's chest. I was in shock that I didn't even realize I was off the stair step... Ahhh Dixie! Stop holding me like a BABY all though Dixie did kind of feel warm and had a sent of some sort of flower? Y/N was no baby and had to resist and  show a real mans power!  He was pulling and pushing but Y/N was to weak to go on, Aww whats the matter wittle baby Y/N? I thought you loved being held like this? She says with a pouty face and a child-ish voice. Y/N was showing clear and visible pink cheeks that were noticed by Dixie.(Dixie's POV) There we go the cute reaction i was craving for.. I -i just cant stand it its overwhelming that I can make him squirm so easily with his  submissive behavior

(Nobody's pov)

Y/N couldn't handle Dixie looking at him like a cute puppy in a basket , So Y/N lowers his head down to Dixie's chest to avoid the eye contact with her,but this was used against him like a new opportunity... Ohhh Dixie giggels I didn't know you were into "Boobs" Y/N, Dixie says with a sexual voice waiting for his explosive reaction
Y/N Starts to shake in Dixie's arms, Y/N looking down with his face dark pink now looking towards her neck where Y/N spots a necklace with the letter D... Y/N? Baby its okay to look just no touching okay? Y/N still looking at her neck avoiding eye contact,but it still dosent help Y/N in anyway. Y/N starts to pass out from using to much energy to power his tiny body.. his blush fading into a light pink in Dixie's arms. --------TIME SKIPP--------

Time is currently 8:53 --------

Y/N woke up in a pretty large bed with his teddy bare "fred" Y/N hasn't seen him sense he was 6 years old so it was a rare appearance for Y/N... Y/N then brought his attention to his surroundings and realized he is in "enemy tertiary" aka Dixie's room Y/N then hears foot steps approaching the door,Y/N hides his little head beneath the sheets trebling in fear (Door opens) Dix? you there Charli says as she looks around Dixie's room, Y/N then took a silent deep breath and proceeded to hide and pray.. 3 to 5 long minuets pass by and Charli finally decided to leave after looking threw Dixie's stuff, Y/N at this point of time started too praise his smart strategy of hiding in the shadows until the enemy was gone.

-But it dosent last for too long

-Current time 9:35 in the Night 🌃

It was getting late for Y/N and he also moved position's from Dixie's room to the living room,he also noticed that there were no toys in his toy box..  At that moment Y/N wanted to have a tantrum but he would regret it big time if he proceeds to,Y/N then sneaks back to Dixie's room to use her bathroom. Y/N sits on the bathroom floor after doing his number 1... The bathroom was cold and it felt safe for Y/N to stay there until the door opens to reveal Dixie and Charli enter the room talking to each other Dixie then sits on the edge of her bed and notices Y/N wasn't there, hey char have you seen litte Y/N here at all? Charli responds saying no while texting barely paying any  attention.. Charli! Dixie pulling Charli's ear ouchhh! Okay What the hell! as she drops her phone on to the floor.. just search the house-

or something... he is barley even able to tie his shoe for crying out loud, Charli groans while she rubs her ear fine-but if I find him im going to take your-- *Boom! (a loud sound roars through Dixie's bathroom as they glance at each other) *Dixie rushes to the bathroom and to then open the door to see a bar of soap on the cold floor, Dixie had switch the light on to see no one in sight... Charli then enters the bathroom to see Dixie with a bar of soap in her right hand. Charli then requests with a fearful voice"Dix check behind the shower curtains please" Dixie dose as she was told.. with bravery she swipes the curtains to then see Y/N balled up in the shower looking like he was a hurt baby kitten, Dixie and Charli then ease in relief to see there little brother Y/N. No one speaks as Y/N twittles his fingers stepping out of the shower while blushing... Wow Y/N You just want to see me undressed so i can stumble nude in the shower and you can get a glimpse of your big sister huh? Dixie says biting her lip looking at Y/N hands,NO i don't like you and I don't want to sleep in your bed tonight either! Awww but what if you have a wittle night mare and you need your big sister to hold on to.. Dixie says in a baby tone to mock Y/N, *Charli then starts to fake cry and makes pouty faces at Y/N.

(Y/N then starts to blush a massive  amount and has the urge to break down to a pulp and burst in tiers from the amount of pressure he his taking) Y/N then Charges towards the door and falls on to the floor back first after being tripped by Charli,Y/N tries  to get back up but then Dixie's foot steps on Y/N's fragile chest  Y/N then grabs Dixie's ankle using force and all his energy to take her foot off Y/N .... (Sigh I love seeing him squirm for his own will-Dixie says smiling at Y/N's face,Charli starts laughing as she pulls out her phone and records Y/N's attempt to protect him self... (Charli's PoV) omg I need to invite my freinds to see how much of a weak baby he is.. (Charli laughing at her own thoughts) (No ones POV) Let GO! Y/N says with might in his voice, No I don't think I will... Only way out is if you LICK my hand for 7 seconds, (Dixie says with a Grin on her face while Charli is dyeing of laughter.
(Y/N couldn't rely on his strength so there wasn't any way out of this but to give up)

*hosnestly this kid Y/N is weak as heck just saying that author to reader fr, but anyways lmk if u guys want me to add anything as a suggestion ill add if for sure just let me know. ❤🎈     

---------END------------- srry for the really late chapter btw il work on one as soon as I can...

Peace stay toon ✌

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