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Sam, Bucky, and Y/n sat on the plane once again, this time actually flying to Munich. There was silence and awkward tension in the air. "So..." Y/n started, looking around at the plane.

"So..." Sam repeated, Bucky rolled his eyes and huffed.

"So, why did you need me?" Y/n asked, a bit confused.

"In case we're up against the Big Three,"

"We don't," Bucky and Sam said their responses in unison, Sam smacked Bucky in the arm, "We need one of the Big Three to fight one of the Big Three," Sam explained.

"Mhm... and the Big Three is?"

"Androids, Aliens, and Wizards,"

"Okay, and I'm the wizard in this situation?"


"I prefer enhanced individual, considering I don't wield any magic and wizards aren't real,"

"Yeah, well, I didn't exactly think about that, so..." Sam trailed off into silence.

"30 seconds 'till drop," Torres called from the front of the plane. Y/n jumped up, glad to be rid of the awkward tension, Sam followed close behind, with Bucky just a bit behind him.

Sam jumped first, yelling in excitement as he flew around in the air, Y/n jumped next, using her powers to keep her in the air and to avoid hitting the ground. Bucky walked to the plane exit door and looked at Torres, "Let me guess, no parachute?"

Torres gave him a sympathetic smile and Bucky sighed, jumping out of the plane, hitting more tree branches and landing with a smack. Y/n hovered above the spot where Bucky hit the ground and laughed, "That was great, we should jump out of planes more often," she said, wiping a fake tear from her cheek.

Bucky huffed and got up, ignoring the girl floating in the sky. Sam circled around to where they were, "Come on, this way," he told them. Y/n and Sam flew while Bucky walked, they made their way to a warehouse and they all met on the ground.

Redwing flew above them and Bucky swatted at it, "Oh-ho-ho. Don't hurt him," Bucky glared at him, "You're doing the staring thing again. They're in there," Sam pointed to a dark hallway.

"Wow, Sam, a dark hallway, fantastic, my favorite thing ever," Y/n sarcastically said, walking into the darkness.

"Where's the guy?" Bucky spoke.

"I don't know. I think they're smuggling weapons, though."

"Well, I think you could be right."

"But there's only one way to find out. I see a clear path. I say we take it," Bucky plans out, talking to both Sam and Y/n.

"We're not assassins," Y/n smiled, trying to make a joke.

Bucky was silent for a minute, "I'll see you inside or not," Y/n could practically hear his eyeroll from the extent of his dramatization.

"Hey, come on, man. I'm just messing with you. Come back," Y/n laughed as he walked away. Sam walked up next to Y/n and they watched as Bucky pulled ahead of them, trying to avoid them.

"Look at you. All stealthy," Sam remarks, making Y/n laugh again, "A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther."

Bucky sighed, ducking behind a shelf of paint cans, "It's actually White Wolf."


"All right, I've got eyes on them. Therefore, way ahead of you both. It's not great, but very doable."

"All right, let's go," Y/n started to walk out of their hiding place, but Bucky grabbed her arm, "No, wait. I got a vibranium arm. I can take them."

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