Satan High (excuse me I mean Samain Long Beach High)

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I'm Anna, I'm into things like anime, manga, harry potter, the hobbit, big books in general, misfit bands and last but not least, cats.

I'm a junior in highschool, but I already hate it,  I had a run in with Connie Valentine on the first day of school, when she took my sketch book and I told her, and I quote "Give that back! I know I'm great and all but it's mine, and you could be that good too if you spent more time doing things OTHER than fucking anything with functioning cock" and that didn't go over too well.

Who's Connie Valentine? The hottest, most plastic chick in Long Beach California, thats who.

She was a bottle blonde with hair to her ass (that she's probably been growing out forever, like seriously never had a haircut).

She had Bright emerald green eyes, i know the cliché is blue eyes but her eyes were so bright and astonishing, you couldnt help but love, and envy them.

She had a waist with a diameter of 2 inches (a bit of an exadgeration but not by much in my opinion) and wide hips, but not freakishly wide, and her tits and ass would make Kim Kardashian cry.

She was tan, but who wasn't in california? God I wish I were her, but I'm not.

Satans boyfriend, oh excuse me I mean Connies boyfriend, was Noah, Noah Lankly, sandy brown hair, the old Zayn Malik haircut (ew 1D I know! Who even likes them?), a six pack, top player and captain of the Basketball team, Boys Volleyball (yea guys do play that sport believe it or not) Boys Soccer team, oh and the Football team (dont forget quarter back), yea woohoo!~ go narwhals! Yea thats right our mascot is a fucking sea-unicorn.

As for me, my hair reaches halfway down my chest and is a light brown, my eyes are blue, deep blue, the kind nobody seemed to like, I was thin, but my chest was only a B, my ass wasn't half bad though. I was pale, well pale for California, if I went to northern Canada THAT would be a different story.

The best way to explain things, is what I call "The Lunchroom Effect"

Center tables are the plastics and their jocky boyfriends that are most likely fucking their bestfriend, it makes sence that they're in the center, being the center of attention and all.

The table in the far right corner belongs to the nerds, I know the whole "they're really nice, blah blah blah" shit but have you ever met a real nerd, they find themselves superior to EVERYONE, hence the corner, they're further from the pesants that way.

The geeks sit at the table left to the Cafeteria doors with the recycling (which stinks), accross from the emo's and misfits on the right side of the doors with the garbage can, this was because we all wanted out of there as soon as the bell rang.

Art doorks get the table in the middle against the left wall, and everyone else gets whatever.

I am located at the geek table.

I swear the inside of my nose was melting as I gagged down my sandwich, that was all I could stomach at the moment, beetween the smell of rotting juice and pop, and watching Connie making out with Noah, I couldnt tell which was making me more sick.

I browsed tumblr on my phone 'Homestuck, homestuck, homestuck, black butler, homestuck, fma, HOMESTUCK, hunger games' rolled my eyes knowing I was probably too far into the homestuck fandom, if thats really possible, I mean it's better than life itself. Cassandra poked at me and snapped me out of thought when she pointed at the 'inappropriate' picture on my tumblr feed, I quickly scrolled away from it, thats the sucky thing about tumblr and public, never know when you're gonna find porn, especially gay porn, I mean tumblr is pretty well run by fangirls.

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