2 - My favorite shifting related defintions

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•Reality shifting: the act of relocating one's primary awareness/consciousness to a different reality (whether parallel or otherwise) ; it is most commonly believed that shifting is rooted in the multi-verse theory. You must have all 5 senses and be able to pass reality checks in order to confirm you've shifted.

Multiverse: multiple or even an infinite number of universes (including the universe we consistently experience) that together comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them. Multiple universes are often referred to as parallel universes because they exist alongside our own.

What shifting ISN'T:

Lucid dreaming: Lucid dreams are dreams in which you are aware that you are dreaming while asleep. You are usually able to control these dreams.

"A new gen Z ability"—despite common misconception, reality shifting is not a new concept nor was it newly discovered by minors. It began growing in popularity when it was introduced on various platforms by primarily minors, but people of all ages have been shifting for many years.

More common terminology:

CR (current reality): The reality you are currently experiencing, your primary reality.

DR (desired reality): The reality you are shifting to experience.

WR (waiting room): A space one can shift to to use as a passageway between realities, a relaxation area, a place for undisturbed scripting, etc. it can be tailored to whatever you  desire.

Script: Ideas/information you can write down to determine/specify which reality you're shifting to.

Affirmations: Repeated, positive phrases you can use to help strengthen your beliefs.

Subliminals: audios/videos containing repetitive affirmations that are sped up or lowered past an audible level that target your subconscious mind.

•If you're interested in looking into reality shifting deeper and seeing other people's perspectives on it, I'd recommend the r/shiftingrealities and r/shiftingdiscussion subreddits on Reddit. I'd also recommend amino. (But take everything you read with a grain of salt, after all you won't know for sure until you try, right?) •

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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