Emma put the remote of the TV onto the coffee table in front of the couch right when the door knock. She walk over to the door and open it, seeing Killian smiling at her.

"Hey Swan." He saids when he got in her apartment.

Emma closes the door and walks over to him. "Hey Killian."

Killian grabs her and wraps his arms around her waist with a smile on his face. "I miss you every minute last night love."

Emma smiles and wraps his arms around his neck. "I miss you more." Then she crashes her lips into his.

Both wear smiling as the kiss continue. The kiss kept going for a minute til the two pull away. The two open their eyes and put their foreheads together, looking at each other with smiles on their faces. The two were silent for a moment til Emma say something.

"Wanna go and watch Netflix with me?"

Killian pulls away and fully looks at her in confusion. "What in the world is Netflix?"

Emma giggles and smiles at him. "Its where you can watch shows and movies all you want." She answers his question.

Killian still had a confusion look on his face. "What is a show or a movie?" He asks in confusion.

"If you weren't a thousand years old you would have known what 21st century is." Emma saids.

Killian grins at that. "Whatever Swan. But I'll come and watch this thing called Netflix with you." He saids.

Emma grins, but her grin went away and gasp. "Crap I forgot about the popcorn." She saids lowly. She let's got of Killian and walks towards the kitchen and to the microwave. She then opens the door and sees a bag of popcorn.

Emma already can feel the heat on her. Emma grabs the bag and opens it,  the smell of butter filling in around her. She walks over to a clean bowl that was already sitting on the counter. She pours all of the popcorn into the bowl before grabbing the bowl and putting it onto the coffee table.

"What is that?" Killian asks, who is already sitting on the couch. Emma sits beside of Killian and grabs a handful of popcorn and looks at him. "Popcorn. It is a type of snack people eat while watching a snow or a movie." She answers.

Killian looks at the popcorn once more then slowly back at Emma. "Is this okay to eat?" He asks with an unsure tone.

Emma chuckles and answers his question, looking at him with a 'duh' look on her face. "Uh yeah! Be careful though. You can choke on it."

Killian just nods as he grabs a handful of popcorn and put only a couple in his mouth. His face light up, which made Emma smile big.

"This is delicious." Killian saids happily.

"I knew you will love it." Emma saids before she grabs the remote from the coffee table and points it to the TV.

"I got a great movie to watch. Somehow it reminds me of us." Emma saids lowly, her eyes glue to the screen.

Killian looks at her softly. "What is it?" He asks.

When Emma got to the movie "The Princess Bride", she click play and puts the remote on the couch. She sighs as she grabs another handful of popcorn and looks at Killian softly with a smile on her face.

"One of my favorite movie. Its called the Princess Bride." Emma answers softly.

Killian just nods as he puts his eyes onto the TV screen as the movie title came up. Emma then grabs the bowl of popcorn and leans back into the couch. The bowl of popcorn was now between Emma and Killian, but it was touching their thighs.

As the movie started, Emma puts her head on Killian's shoulder as Killian wraps his arm around her waist. Both were smiling as the movie kept on playing.

After about 2 hours of the movie was film, the credits was on the screen and the bowl of popcorn was already finished, put onto the coffee table.

Emma and Killian were still in their same position as they were when the movie started. Right when the movie was over, Emma turns her head and looks at Killian, seeing that he was smiling down at her.

Emma smiles at him. "You loved the movie didn't you?" She asks softly.

"Very amazing movie. That movie does remind me of you and me. The pirate and the princess falling in love with each other." Killian answers back softly.

"Even when he said 'as you wish' like you said to me the first time at Neverland?" She asks.

"That part was just amazing." Killian whispers.

Emma leans up to him and kisses him softly. Killian smiles and quickly replies back. The kiss was slow and soft but it continue with a deep and passionate kiss. Both Emma and Killian didn't want to end this kiss, but they have got to breath some day now.

Emma and Killian pulls away and looks at each other. The two were smiling at each other as they were looking at each other.

"Never a day off with my boyfriend would be amazing." Emma saids lowly.

Killian's smiles grew bigger. "Never been a day that I wouldn't want to spend time with you more." Killian saids softly.

Emma smiles at him and puts her head on his shoulder again. Killian puts his head on Emma's head. Short time later, Emma and Killian was sleeping onto the couch as The Netflix home screen was on TV.

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