"If you're trying to tell me you don't have a clue, I learned that a long time ago." Scott moved forward, now standing in front of Adelyn.

"I'm really hoping to avoid the embarrassment of dragging my son into an interrogation room. Really hoping." Rafael clenched his jaw, revealing to Allison and Isaac who he was.

"Great." Adelyn hummed, as McCall directed the teens to sit down in the chairs.

Scott and Allison were sitting in the chairs, Adelyn was sitting on the armrest of Scott's and Isaac was sitting on the armrest of Allison's. The Tate pulled on her hoodie strings, tightening the top so the black veins around her neck would hopefully be hidden.

Isaac pulled out a container of mints as Rafael began talking, "I'm not going to lie. I'm more than a little disturbed, not only by the number of missing parents, but the fact that it's Stiles' father, your father, and your mother."

The Lahey raised his hand, "Mine are both dead." He then offered Adelyn a mint, who gladly accepted.

"Half of mine are." Adelyn chirped, adding on to the Lahey's response.

"Save the cliched teenage apathy for your high school teachers." McCall stated, before looking at Adelyn. "I went to talk to your father, but he wouldn't let me stay for long."

Addy hummed and smiled at the man, "That's probably because he hates your guts. I mean, I don't really want to be talking to you either, if that makes you feel any better. It really shouldn't, though."

"Adelyn." Rafael snapped at her explanation, and the girl could hear Scott growling under his breath. The investigator huffed, "The four of you know more than you're saying, and I'm fully willing to keep you here all night if I have to." He sat against Argent's desk.

Adelyn pinched the bridge of her nose. The girl was about to make a comment about how stupid this all was when she felt her blood run cold. Addy looked down, seeing her hands shaking. Scott and Isaac noticed her sharp inhale, but they didn't look at her at the same time because they knew Agent McCall would notice.

"You can't keep us here all night." Scott asserted, knowing he had to get Adelyn out of there.

"Not without a warrant." Allison agreed, but McCall just looked at her.

"I've got a desk full of probable cause."

The huntress stood up, glancing at the werewolves as she did so. "My father is a highly respected private security consultant and federally-licensed firearms dealer. That means he has to own a few weapons." Adelyn wasn't sure if the information was a lie or if it was true, but she did know Allison was quite the actress. Scott grabbed Adelyn's hand, as the Argent continued to speak. "Like this 175 pound draw tactical crossbow. Or this carbon steel marine combine knife. Fifty AE Desert Eagle." The girl pointed, and the hummed as she picked up something else, "Smoke grenade with a pull-ring igniter." She pulled the ring out and dropped it at Agent McCall's feet, then ran. "Go!"

Rafael called after the teens, specifically Scott, but they were already on the elevator when he had finally made it out of the office.

Adelyn groaned, leaning against the wall and sliding to the ground. "Addy? What's wrong? Are you shifting?"

The girl's eyes changed to yellow as she looked up at her friends. "The twins. Something's wrong." She looked back down at the ground, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Like they're dead?" Isaac questioned, silently hoping it was a yes.

Adelyn gasped quietly, "Damn near it." 

The human kneeled beside the Tate, "Are you going to be alright?" She grabbed Adelyn's shoulder's making the werewolf look up at her. She nodded slowly, "Okay, come on." Allison pulled Addy to her feet as the elevator door opened.

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