Chapter 1

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Suppasit backstory.

In the kingdom of Dresden👑:

King Mahron Cullinan rushed to the chamber of Elina, the prince's consort , his brother's wife.

Elina sat on a cusion putting her one month old child into sleep. King knocked on the opened door lightly to gain her attention. She gestured her head asking him to enter.

The king lightly caressed the baby face.
Baby Suppasit is asleep ah.. he playful mocked the child which made Elina smile and nod.

'What's the matter king ' she asked while gently placing the kid in the crib.

'The Queen just gave birth to our son' He said . Elina's face lit up but the king continued in a sad tone 'but she didn't make it' the king's eyes were glistening with tears.

He took a deep breath and continued 'And the kingdom of Arsus has attacked our Kingdom.

'Without declaration of war ? ' questioned Elina. And the king nodded. After all it was unethical to attack without declaring a war

'Dresden 's army were able to hold the attack from causing further damage but we will be leaving for the war' king said.
Elina nodded.

'I May or may not return , if I don't come back I want you to take over the throne and my child' he said.

'I have no intention to rule Mahron' Elina said avoiding his eyes.

' Neither did I, *sigh* I didn't want to rule, I didn't want to upset my brother but life makes us do it'. Mahron' added' And rulers who don't love thrones turnout to be rulers loved by people'.

Mahron was second son of the former Emperor. His elder brother Zelus was denied the throne as the kingdoms powerful saints' prophecy predicted the kingdom will be ruined and destroyed from history of he became the king. So Mahron' was forced to take over the throne and his brother never loved him same As before.

' You are the only heir left, though you may not be crowned as you don't have Cullinan blood, you know Zelus can't take over.'

"We have the prince" Elina argued.

' Ha he's a newborn and it's better to have a real ruler rather than having you rule on his behalf' the king said.

" Then should I declare him as my successor" Elina asked.

" No, your child has right to take over your throne too and moreover I wanted the best of two Princes to rule, I don't want them to lose brother love for throne"King told.

Elina sighed .

'Okay, will the officials accept me as their ruler' asked Elina.

' You are the only option, after all you are loved and respected by people and officials more than Zelus and The Queen' king smiled before continuing ' yet few may cause trouble as you're a woman but they have sworn their loyalty to to the royal emblem , I'll hand it over to you in the ceremony before war'.

'You aren't coming back, are you' Elina questions in a strained voice .
'My queen needs me' King gave her a sad smile. And she nodded.

Later that day after the queen was creamated , warrior prepared for war.

King called Elina and Zelus to war ceremony. They arrived with baby Suppasit.

After the ceremony Elina and king procceed to the stage where flame of war was place
While Zelus and the army looked with confusion.

Clad in red silk robe with golden border Elina stood to the Left side of fire and Mahron stood to the right in his royal armour.

"Attention" resounded the King's deep loud voice. All maintained their silence and looked at their king, and Elina handed over Suppasit to her maid .

Then he continued
" I Mahron Cullinan , the emperor of Dresden pass on the royal emblem to Elina Cullinan and here by declare her as the future Queen incase of my death".

" I , Elina Cullinan here by take oath that I'll rule with righteousness without discrimination of any sort. I pledge to use my powers to benifit of the people and not for any personal reasons".

" Long hail the king Long hail the kingdom of Dresden and long hail future Queen". All chanted except Zelus...

The palace nurse brought a baby to the king
" This my son, the second prince of Dresden" announced the king... Zelus face paled,the king had an heir it wasn't good for him

King kissed the baby's forehead and held the baby above the flame carefully.

" I give my son to you Elina with the fire as witnesses, and hope you give him your love and attention as his guardian" king said to Elina.

All were suprised ..... The procedure above clearly indicates that prince will be bound to Elina . King will no longer have rights over him. It was process of adoption.

The baby squirmed due to heat but chuckled once Elina stoked his cheek.
Then she placed her hands below Kings holding the baby in the process .

" I swear on the royal flame that I will shower my son Mew Cullinan with the same love and care I give Suppasit Cullinan. I will protect my baby with my life" she declared and her words were from heart.

She felt close to the baby after single glance, And his resembles to Suppasit was uncanny, she's sure people will think they are twins once they grow. Mew was going to be her baby , her son and no-one would oppose that .

"Long hail prince Mew " crowd cheered as Elina took the baby from King and held him in her arms.

Suppasit started to cry seeing it.... And Elina came to his side and patted his cheek softly and said" Hey he's your baby bro don't be jealous " Suppasit stoped crying and turned his face away and Elina sighed before lifting both the babies.

King came to Elina and pinched Suppasit cheek while chuckling but the baby moved away still pouting . Little did the kingdom know what this would lead to.

"Mew" said the king and smiled to the baby and kissed him one last time .


// you are free to Correct my writing .

Bear with me a little I want to give you backstory of Suppasit and his kingdom so ull understand his character more.


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