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"Bye mom!" Marinette said as she rushed out the door. She was late once again. The bell rang and she was running across the street, crossing her fingers that she would make it on time. She ran inside the school and saw her classmates entering Miss Bustiers class. Marinette ran to the top of the stairs and made it inside on time. She was completely out of breath and took her usual seat until she looked around and remembered the seating plan. She looked behind her and there Adrien sat. She rolled her eyes and got up to sit next to him, trying her best to leave a gap in the middle.

"Your scripts should be done now!" Said Miss Bustier. Many people panicked when she said that.

"I couldn't finish I had swim practice!" Kim groaned.

"If you aren't finished please work on it now. If you are, come to my desk and I will read them over and give you suggestions."

Adrien started saying something but Marinette got up and went to have Miss Bustier read their script. Adrien didn't know what was going on but she seemed even more pissed than yesterday. What did he do this time? He looked at Miss Bustier's face. She looked like she was about to cry.

"This is incredibly beautiful! The writing and detail is so beautiful! Where did you get this idea from?" She said. Marinette knew the answer. It was personal, something she had actually been through but she just said thanks and went back to her desk.

She slumped down into her seat and said, "We can practice it now." Adrien got his script out and started it off.

"Estelle, wait! I-" He was cut off by Miss Bustier clapping.

"Let's do some on screen acting! You can have your scripts but this will be your first time doing it at the front. Who wants to go first?" The class was dead silent now. No one was a big fan of drama in their class so it was no surprise to Miss Bustier that she had to pick people once again.

"How about.. Chloe and Sabrina! Come to the front."

"Did you just pick me to go first? I don't know what my father will say about this!" Chloe said while lifting her phone to her ear to call her father. She always used her father as a threat but never actually called him.

"Oh okay! How about... Marinette and Adrien! Come to the front with your scripts." She said looking at the two. Marinette groaned quietly and slumped her way to the front.

"First, explain what your scene is about. You can start whenever you're ready." So I guess they would never start?

"Our scene is about person 1, who is Marinette, finding out that person 2, Me, cheated on them. Um we have to perform a scene that shows we can stick together through anything because of our love for each other. Oh and our skit names are Estelle and Chandler."

"Estelle! Estelle, wait! I- that meant nothing to me! It was a mistake, I promise!"

"Why should I believe you? You told me there was nothing, you told me you were over her so why? Why throw all that away for her?"

"I wasn't thinking! Estelle I still love you and she didn't change that. She never could."

"Then what did you do it for, Chandler? Do you realize how much that hurt me? And you can try to justify it all you want but it won't change what you did. No apology would ever be big enough." Marinette was slightly going off script.

"I'll be apologizing for the rest of my life if I have to. I'm sorry, Estella. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Didn't you hear me? No apology will ever be enough for me to forgive you. Nobodys ever hurt me that much before and you're dating her now? Are you kidding me? I've liked you for 3 years now and you can't seem to take a hint and maybe open your eyes. I'll never be able to forgive you for what you did to me, Adrien. Never." Marinette had tears forming in her eyes now as she realized what she had just said. She just exposed all her feelings and let it all out in a drama presentation.

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