Sam joins us shortly. "Hi! Wait, are you-"

"Wearing a towel? Why yes I am, Samantha. My lovely sister decided not to tell me after forcing me to get out of the shower to pick you up!"

"Always a pleasure."

Wren doesn't say anything for the rest of the drive. Sam and I stay away from any topics regarding Asher, because then I think he would have a few words to say.

"So, I was thinking this one, but I don't know if Zander will really like it," Sam says as she shows me her homecoming dress options. "But there's also this one."

"Well, I like both of them." I study the pictures for a bit. "Though I'd have to say that the navy one is my favorite. It's unique and screams Sam. The other one is giving me a rude vibe that's saying 'I'm a bitch'."

"It's a dress, Riles," Wren mutters. "It can't talk."

"It's not just a dress, Wren. This is her first dance that she'll be going with Zander. She's losing her Zander dance virginity in this dress."

"Okay, ew. But didn't she go with Zander to homecoming last year?"

"But not as his girlfriend, idiot!" Sam sasses, sticking her head in between our seats. "This is a huge deal!"

Wren holds his hands up in defense. "Settle down, chicas. I'm going to drive home and pick up some pants before I get suspended. Later."

"Bye, Wren," I sing as he drives away. Sam comes with me to my locker, unable to stop telling me her detailed story about her dream last night to go to her own locker.

"And then Leonardo was like-"

She immediately stops talking. Her mouth is half way open, her eyes wide. I glance at her confusedly before looking in the same direction. After seeing what caused this reaction, I was in a similar state.

Asher Westfield was leaning against my locker. He was waiting for me. Okay. I can be cool about this.

"Hey." He gives me one of those I'm-so-cool-and-mysterious head nods.

"Hi," I manage to speak. "Hello. Hey. Hi."

He smiles in amusement. "I've been wanting to talk to you."

I glance at Sam who looks about ready to pee her pants. "Have you?"

He nods, clenching his jaw. I nearly pass out at the hotness of it all. Sam takes this time to excuse herself, making sure to walk backwards the whole way to her exit.

"Yeah." His eyes trail over my face. "There's a small party tonight. It's supposed to be like really chill and stuff."

"Oh," I breathe. "That's cool."

"Right. Well, I think you should go. You know, I'm going to be there." He bites his lip, waiting for my reaction.

Remaining cool and collected, I reply with, "I guess I could stop by."

Asher smiles and pushes himself off the lockers. "Alright. See you then." He looks me up-and-down casually before walking off.

In a flash, Sam is right by my side. "Holy shit!"

"Sam, it's not that big of a deal," I say calmly, glancing around the hallway to make sure Asher is gone. When I know for sure that he is, I repeat, "holy shit!"

Sam laughs, linking her arm with mine as we walk down the hallway. "Tonight is going to be huge. But we do have a lot of work to do."

"Work? What do you mean?"

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