Chapter 2

46 5 3

Word Count: 4592

"Why were you thrown on a plane at midnight?"

"Because when I got home Mark told me I had to go live with Aria." I told Dan, purposely throwing in names he didn't know to make him even more confused.

"Who's Mark?"

"My godfather."

"You live with your godfather?"

"Not anymore." I replied.

"Alright, who's Aria?"


"Why'd Mark make you go live with Aria?" He asked.

"He got a job in Arizona and assumed I didn't want to go with him, so he sent me out here."

"Did you want to go with him?"

"Hell no." I replied.

"Do you want to be here right now?"

"Not really." I shrugged.

"Where would you rather be?"

"New York."

"Where did you live in New York?"

"In this tiny apartment by Central Park with Mark." I told him.

"When did your parents die?" He asked hesitantly.

"You don't have to sound hesitant, as long as you get me in a cab, you can ask me whatever your heart desires. My parents died a month and a half after I was born in a car crash."

"Alright, why would you still be in New York if you worked for someone?"

"Because then I'd be getting paid and I could buy my own apartment in New York instead of being here."

"Have you ever met Aria?"

"Nope." I replied, popping the p.

"How long are you staying?"

"Probably forever." I just shrugged.

"Really?" He asked, letting out a laugh.

"Honestly, I have no idea."

"Hmm, I can't think of anymore interesting ones, but can I keep asking them in the cab?" He asked me.

"You could follow me into Aria's house and pester me as long as you want, just until I get you the money back."

"I'll take you up on that offer." He grinned.

And Dan wasn't kidding, he actually took me up on the offer, and followed me inside. I didn't stop him though. I put my bags down in the living room and looked around in amazement at the house. I had never lived in a real house before, and now that I was going to, it felt so vast.

"I've got to make a few calls then you can keep asking questions, okay?" I asked and Dan nodded.

Aria was the first person I called, and she picked up right away.

"Hey Piper!" She said happily.

"Hey," I replied with a smile, glad to be inside. "I just got in the house, I didn't have any euros, but I made a friend and he paid for a taxi, so I brought him inside and gave him permission to ask me anything he wants until I pay him back." Aria just laughed.

"That's great to hear."

"I was wondering what bedroom is mine, so I can go put my stuff away." I spoke.

"Oh, I put a sticky note on the door, so the boys wouldn't go in there. It's actually downstairs. If you're in the living room, go down the hall, turn and there's your door. There's a bathroom connected to the room, so I thought you'd like that." She tells me.

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