Author's Note

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To my readers,

I want to thank everyone for your continued engagement. I hope you're enjoying the story and I can't wait to show you what comes next. This has been a challenging story to write, mainly because Civil War already had so many personalities as it was. True to my nature, I just love to make things harder for myself. So of course I would add more characters. But I was so happy to bring in the Fantastic Four and Daredevil. I know a lot of people find the Fantastic Four to be hokey, but they're a classic Marvel Comics superhero team and I absolutely had to have them. Plus, with them being a family, I really wanted to explore that element in the context of Civil War's divisiveness. And Daredevil is just a cool character, period.

Dean's powers are growing beyond where they once were. In addition to photokinesis, he now has psychic empathy and has even learned how to perform short-range teleportation by turning his body into photons. But there is much more in store for him and I am so thrilled to reveal it. I knew what I was going to have him do from the minute I started this series way back with Worthy- which has reached 1,000 views! That's so exciting for me! I love it and I love sharing with all of you. The world is such a stressful, harsh place sometimes. If I can ease things for someone else with my stories and bring a little joy to others with them then I am a happy man. This has been so good for my mental health.

There is so much in store for Dean and Thor. I can't wait for you to see what will happen to them in the next installment- Asgardian Twilight.

With so much love and appreciation,

Luminous Avenger

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