Total Transparency

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Sue stared at Bucky, Sam, Dean and Steve, her gaze unwavering. "I think the Accords are wrong," she said as she began to pace back and forth in front of them. "I think a group of men in a boardroom aren't fit to tell me what to do. Which is exactly what will happen if we sign them." She paused and smiled sadly. "I care very much for Reed. And I love Johnny. But they're supporting something that is only going to create more problems."

"How did all of this come about?" Steve asked.

Sue cleared her throat, preparing to tell the story from the very beginning.

The shooting had changed so much for the four of them. Reed had been haunted by it the most, moving around the Baxter Building like some kind of ghost. He continued to watch news coverage despite everyone else urging him to disconnect. It was only when the Thaddeus Ross, secretary of state, had paid them a visit that Reed had finally started to perk up. He'd explained the Sokovia Accords to the four of them. Sue could see it in Reed's tired eyes- this was a solution. A way to assuage his immense guilt.

"These Accords will be ratified in Vienna in three days," Ross explained. "By then, the four of you will have to register or retire. This superhero business can't continue unchecked. You've seen what happens."

"Of course, Secretary Ross," Reed had agreed. Before anyone else could say anything, Reed was pledging The Four's total cooperation.

Sue could still remember how much that hurt. Reed was always so open to considering other people's opinions. But now he was single-minded in his views. She knew where this was coming from though. Reed felt immense guilt. He didn't have any idea how to make it right. It hadn't helped that the deceased's parents had gone public, denouncing The Four and calling for their arrest.

"Good," Ross had said. "The four of you are regarded as American heroes. Even in light of recent events, you have a higher approval rating with the public than the Avengers. But that can change quickly if things continue unchanged."

"We understand, Secretary Ross," Reed had said.

There it is again, Sue had thought. He was speaking for everyone else.

After Ross left, Sue had taken Reed aside. The man was dead on his feet and probably should have gone to bed, but he wouldn't have it. Sue presumed it must be some way of atoning for what happened. Punishing himself in any way he could.

"Reed, I know you feel guilty for what happened," Sue said as she took his hands in hers. "I feel awful too. But he made the choice to kill himself- not us

"We're supposed to be heroes, Sue. We're supposed to make sure that doesn't happen. We can't miss important details like him having a spare gun in his waistband."

"You couldn't have known he had another gun. None of us could. It could have happened to anyone."

"But it happened to us!" Reed cut her off in a sharp retort.

"Reed," Sue said in a calm voice. "I think you need to lay down. You need rest. And when's the last time you had a real meal?

Reed hung his head and massaged his tired eyes. "I've not slept since the shooting. I'm sorry, Sue. I'm just...I'm trying to make things right."

"But is this the way, Reed? Registering with the government? Letting them tell decide for us?"

Reed shrugged. "You heard him, Sue. We register or we retire. And I know none of us wants to do that."

"Speak for yourself, stretch," Ben muttered as he walked into the room. "I went along for the ride with this. But maybe this whole thing is a sign. Maybe we don't need to be doing this after all."

Avengers: Divided We FallOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz