Team Cap

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"So that's your idea of a getaway car?" Sharon asked as she showed Steve to the trunk of her car.

Steve shrugged his shoulders. "Well, it's low-profile," he reasoned as they stood underneath an overpass. He looked back at the car and smiled at the three men seated inside it. Bucky winked affectionately at him.

"So that's Peggy's niece," Dean murmured as he watched from the backseat of the tiny car. Bucky was in the backseat next to him and Sam was riding shotgun. He recognized her as the blonde from the earlier fight.

"Yeah," Sam said. "She's CIA. And it looks like she's giving Steve the eye."

Bucky smiled tightly as he tried to get a better view of what was happening. "Can you move your seat up?" he requested.

"No," Sam answered bluntly.

Dean shook his head and focused on Steve and Sharon.

"Well," Sharon said as she opened the trunk up, revealing Steve's shield and Sam's wings. "It's a good thing you went low-profile because these things tend to draw a crowd."

"I owe you for this," Steve said. "Really. You're risking everything to help us. Your job, your freedom."

"I guess in the end I feel it's justified," Sharon reasoned. "You're fighting for the right cause, Steve." She moved a little closer to him and met his gaze.

Steve smiled, aware of what was happening. He had to let her down easy. "You're a good friend, Sharon."

Sharon nodded and smiled in acceptance. She understood Steve's intention now. To save face, she backed up and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just doing what Peggy would have done. But I am keeping a list of all the things you owe me for. Including him trying to kill me," she said as she looked over at Bucky.

Steve smiled somberly. "Yeah, I owe you for that too." His expression became graver. "Sharon, you know they'll come for you. They'll know it was you who did this."

Sharon nodded bravely. "I know. I knew it when I told you I would do it for you."

"Thank you, Sharon," Steve said emphatically as he took the shield and wings.

"Just be careful," Sharon urged.

Steve reached out with his free hand and shook hers. "You're a brave woman, Sharon. Peggy would be proud of who you are."

As Steve and the others drove away, Sharon sat in her car and tried to think of what on earth she would do now that she'd sabotaged her entire career.

"Well, I think it's weird," Dean said.

"How is it weird?" Sam asked.

Steve shook his head and continued to drive in silence, pretending he wasn't amused with the conversation. Bucky simply sat back and watched Dean with a grin on his face.

"Uh, how about the fact that she's Peggy's niece! It's a well-known fact that Steve and Peggy kind of had a thing. If Steve and Sharon had gotten together it would have been weird."

Sam shrugged. "I mean, it's not like you choose who you fall for, right?"

"No, but you can choose to not do weird shit like bang your great aunt's ex boyfriend," Dean countered.

"Hey, no one's banging anyone," Steve spoke up in his trademark dad voice.

"Well, not yet," Bucky said with a smirk.

"Behave yourself or there definitely won't be any banging," Steve said as he glared playfully at Bucky in the rear view mirror.

Bucky shrugged and looked over at Dean. "Maybe I'll just put the moves on Dean then. You know how I feel about blondes."

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