He lifted a brow, "Reluctantly? It's not everyday someone gets handed a Holocaster--and from the creator no less!"

"Okay, yes, it's great. It's just, uh... wait--how'd you know Lysandre gave us one?" Leon frowned, narrowing his eyes at the Professor.

"Why, he told me, of course! He and I have been friends for a long time. He's a brilliant man with a bold vision for this region's future. He does all he can to improve our lives, so, believe me when I say it's truly an honor to receive one. Ah, but I suppose I should apologize--I asked for the Holocaster ID number to be able to contact you without your permission. For that I am sorry."

"It's fine. It's just, uh... well, I guess we'll take your word on it for Lysandre?" Cassandra replied, glancing at Leon, who was just as unconvinced as she was.

Their associate frowned, puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Uh--it's... nothing, really. He just uh... came off a little, um, strong. Too strong."

"Aaaah, I see. Yes, he is rather eccentric, but I promise he means well. He's the reason Kalos is as technological as it is. In fact, you should listen to Malva's report on him--she does the main news segment for our region and works as one of our Elite Four members. You'll learn all you need to see what a genuine good man he is for her. They work close together as well."

"Malva? Okay, I guess we can give it a go. But later--we wanted to tell you about our findings in Camphrier Town."

"Yes! Fantastique! Let's hear it!" Sycamore beamed; eyes alight.

"Ha, well, truthfully, it's more so we didn't find much," Leon winced, rubbing the back of his head. The Butler at the Parfum Palace mentioned trainers using a stone to help Pokémon evolve further. Supposedly holding it high activates it? But that's all anyone knew, and the Chateau in Camphrier had given away anything that might have a hint. Sorry."

"Hmm... that's... not the best news, no," the Professor hummed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He waved his hand after a moment, "Don't fret, though; Mega Evolution is quite ancient and only recently rediscovered. It's difficult to find knowledge, but... hmm.. Well, there is one more place I can suggest. I've heard rumors there's still someone who may know about Mega Evolution--or rather, there's a town with a statue of a Lucario, but not like the one you have. It's different--like a new evolution."

The two trainers glanced at one another before Cassandra spoke, "That definitely sounds like what we're after."

"Yes... but I forgot which town. I'll need to look up my information on the lead--I found it some time ago but forgot to follow up on it with all the projects I have going on. As soon as I find it, I'll give you two a ring and let you know. How does that sound?"

"Fine by us. It isn't in the next Gym Badge town is it?"

"In Cyllage? Hmm, no I don't remember it being there, but I'll do my best to contact you before that. Although, I suppose flying would pose no problem, no?" he laughed, to which they chuckled with him.

"Truuuuue. Still, sorry we didn't have much."

"Again, worry not; I expected this as much... ah! I almost forgot--I believe the tunnel path to Cyllage through the mountain is blocked at the moment--the news mentioned some tectonic activity caused the upper section to have some collapse and they've been working on it since. You'll have to take the long way to the south through Ambrette town--but worry not! I assure you the scenic route is worth the delay."

"Hey, if it means more time to train before we fight for our next badge, I'm down! Hell, might mean more Pokémon for me to get, too!" Leon beamed, pumping a fist.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now