
"Professor Douche! Oh God............ now you have me calling him that!
Mr. Gibbs heard everything you said at the library the other night!"

"Well if he heard everything, then he knows that I only speak the truth!"

"Oh my God! You really are insane!"

"What? It's true, Kels! The man could do with a good fuck! At least he would release all that pent up tension he is carrying around!"

"The man is totally upset with me and thinks that I'm a complete idiot, not to mention a gossip!"

"Well what do you want me to do, Kels? I can swing by and apologize to the man in person, if you think that would make things better?"

"Hell no! You've been enough help as it is!
I'm just gonna resign myself to the fact that I'm probably gonna have to repeat this course next semester.
I'm quite certain that he is going to fail me!"

"Come on, Kels! Be realistic!
Although, the more I think about it, I think Professor Douche may have the hots for you!"

"You think............WHAT?"

"Yeah, some guys behave like that when they are really into a woman! I hate you.........but I really like you thing!
Kinda like magnets.........you feel that push and pull. They do say, opposites attract doll!"

"OK yeah..............hell no! That's not it at all!"

"You will see for yourself, babe!"

Ugh! It's about time to start getting ready for my class. I kick Sharon out of my room and strip for a quick shower and I'm just about to start getting dressed when Collin walks into my room.

"We are never sleeping start, ever again!"

He walks over and pulls me into his arms. I can feel the tension leave his body as he inhales the scent of my hair as he bends his head and kisses me senseless.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"What's wrong? I didn't sleep all night, Kellie!"

"Awwwwww, you missed me?"

"Yeah I did more than miss you babe......I lo......um I love waking up with you in my arms!"

"I love everything about you too babe!"

Oh my God! I just blurted it out, just like that! Hopefully he doesn't notice my slip up!"

"I'm not spending another night all alone in my bed, Kellie!"

"You don't have to, babe!"

"You promise?"

"I promise!
Now I have to get ready for Mr.Gibbs  class though I would be honest and tell you that I'm not looking forward to this class today!"

"Don't worry about Gibbs! Just focus on your work and you will be fine, babe!"

Collin leans back on my bed and watches me as I get dressed. First I moisturize my entire body with my favorite body lotion, then I put on a matching black lace bra and thong.
I can feel his eyes boring into me and when I look over his eyes are hooded and I can clearly tell that he is extremely hard.

"Fuck me! Now I'm gonna have a hard on all day at work!"

I giggle as I pull on a pair of black jeans and t-shirt, slip on my black boots and grab a light denim jacket. I brush my hair out, a swipe of lip gloss and I'm all set.

Meanwhile, I let my eyes roam over Collin, he looks as hott as ever, dressed casually for a Friday at work

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Meanwhile, I let my eyes roam over Collin, he looks as hott as ever, dressed casually for a Friday at work. He makes looking good so effortless, he just throws clothes on and looks like he just walked off the covers of some magazine. Damn, guys have all the luck!!!!

"You are all mine tonight, Kels!"

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"You are all mine tonight, Kels!"

"Whatever do you mean, Mr. Prescott?"

"For starters, it seems that you need reminding of all the amazing things, I can do to your body with my tongue!"

"Oh trust me, I'm fully aware!"

"See I would believe you, but I think you need a reminder of all the delicious things that happen when you are in bed with me!"

"I promise babe, no more nights apart!!"

"Fuck Kels, I'm serious! I want you so much, it fucking hurts babe! I don't just mean the sex, I really do miss you when we are apart, Kellie!"

"I feel the same way, Collin! No matter how much time we spend together, it never seems like enough, does it?"

"I don't care what we do Kels, just as long as we do it together, that's all that matters!"

I tip toe and kiss him, it amazes me sometimes that he is so open and honest about his feelings. Most guys don't like to talk about feelings, I guess they feel vulnerable or weak.
With Collin, even though he may feel vulnerable, it also shows how deeply he cares about me and about us!

"Come on babe, let's get going! I don't want you to be late for class!

Collin grabs my back pack, meanwhile I make sure that I have my phone and wristlet and I'm out the door.

"Hey Shar! I'm off to class! Talk to you later!"

"Okay bestie, laterz!"

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