But I'm not crazy!

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"We've got you now, Rose Tyler.." The enormous Slitheen cackles as me, unleashing her mammoth claws. She inches towards me, savouring my fear, feeding off of it. I back up towards the corner, sheilding my face with my arms as she lashes out, a searching pain erupts down my arms-

 I awake to find metal rods being inserted into my arm, the pain is unbearable.

"What are you doing?!" I scream, struggling for dear life. Around my ankles and wrists are leather straps binding me to a bed, highly resembling one from a hospital. The metal rods are being inserted by a tall, pale and ginger bearded man who introduces himself as Dr. Whan.

"Calm down please Miss Tyler, this is customary. These electro-magnetic rods will measure your heart rate and transfer your thoughts into this little machine," he gestures to a beeping white machine behind him. It appears to be powered off until he flicks a tiny red switch, and the machine springs to life. I watch as thousands of tiny words flash onto the screen..My thoughts. Every thought I've ever had is flashing before my very eyes, I've never felt so violated in my life.

"You can't do this!" I sob out of pure shock, not to mention the excrutiating pain in my left arm. I glance towards my arm, bright purple and swollen - blood pouring from the insertion hole. This is all too much to handle - I vomit, choking as I'm lying on my back and there's no where for it to go. Dr Whan leaves the machine, and sits at the foot of the bed.

"Listen, Rose. We here at Torchwood don't mean to do you any harm-"

"Look what you bloody did to my arm you fucking dipshit!"

"Rose be quiet. We just need to evaluate you, your moods, your thoughts and feelings. We have reason to believe that you're mentally unstable. Miss O'Riley appears to think this Doctor of yours has brain washed you, and is tapping into your mind to give you memories you never had. And these hallucinogenic  dreams you've been having - this machine will give the answers we need. Do you understand?"

"But..But I'm not crazy." 


I awake from a dreamless slumber to find my Mum sobbing at the foot of my bed. I struggle to reach out to her, only to discover the agony in my arm is back. It's beginning to look highly infected, yellow pus seeping from the insertion hole. 
'Mum, shh it's a'ight. I'm awake now." Mum snaps upright, rushing to my side. She strokes my hair back off of my face as she weeps.

"I'm so sorry Rose, I never wanted them to hurt you.."
"No Mum it's fine. I'm fine really. I need you to do me a favour..Get Dad and Mickey to search for an Amy Pond, please. She was the girl in my room - she's real I swear."
"I believe you Rose, I believe you." Mum purses her lips, sighing as armed men enter the room to escort her out. I love you..  She mouths to me. I smile slightly nodding to her as I try my very hardest to hold back my tears until she leaves, letting the sobs take over my body.  

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