The Gallifreyan Princess

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"Muma?" Inara whispers weakly, tubes sticking out of her from all angles. I hold back tears as I see the familiar metal rod poking out of her arm, anazlying and revealing her simple minded thoughts. Miss O'Riley has let me out to see Inara, after a week in hospitilized captivity.
"It's me baby." I hold her good hand, tracing my finger along her swollen, infected arm. "What are her thoughts saying?" I ask Dr Whan. He raises an eyebrow at me before pulling a chair up.

"Reading's show that her mind is very advanced. The Doctor is of course a very intelligent man, clearly reflecting through to Inara. She's very aware of things. Or she was before we gave her painkillers. Inara is his daughter yes?" 
"Yes she is. She's part timelord. Or timebaby as we like to call her."
"Yes well. Her thoughts are not incriminating, Miss O'Riley likes to scare you into thinking that harm will come to Inara. And I can promise you Rose, no harm will come to her. She's heavily sedated she cannot feel any pain inflicted on her. I trust you Miss Tyler."

"Thank you." I feel relief wash through my body.
"There is something else though. When was Inara born?"
"Inara was born on May 3. Six weeks ago."
"That's impossible." Dr. Whan glances over to my sleeping daughter. She grows more and more every day. Even now she looks far more different to when I last saw her.

"The Doctor explained to me that it's a timelord thing. We didn't know I was pregnant..And then suddenly she just started growing and let me tell you, it hurt like hell. Our friend Rory opperated and well..he found a foetus. By the time I woke up she was a fully formed baby. She looked to be at least six months old. It's..It's really strange. But I love her." Tears prick my eyes, my poor helpless baby. 

"Rose her growth is a recurring problem for me. I cannot keep supplying her with more medical utensials as she grows. So I'm going to tell Miss O'Riley that I no longer need to observe her. Of course I assume you three will still be kept prisoner. And there is nothing I can do about that." Dr. Whan smiles sympathetically. He moves over to Inara, gently removing the tubes and things snaking out of her.

"Very good, very very good. Thank you Dr. Whan you've been a great help." I turn in shock to the familiar accent. Pond stands in the corner of the room, her red hair shimmering with each movement. "Rose, hello."
"Please tell me this is that little universe where everything that happens is just a dreamlike reality." I whisper.

"I'm sorry Rose, this is real. Dr. Whan's been a huge help to us. Rory's currently trying to get the Doctor out of his little "alien cell." He's not the best at breaking and entering, let's just say we're probably going to have to run soon." Amy grins at me, stepping forward to help me out of my seat. Dr. Whan has finished bandaging Inara and gently hands her to me. 
"Good luck Rose, I hope not to see you in the future. With all due respect - It's just no one like you deserves to be here."
"Thank you Dr." I smile politely.

My mind whirls as Amy holds my arm and guides me down the quiet halls. It's late at night, judging by the empiness of the halls. We snake down multiple corridors before running smack into Rory and The Doctor. Tears erupt from my eyes and the Doctor and I embrace. He looks exhausted and dirty. His eyes masked by shadows of sleep deprivation. 
"Hello Pond." He whispers. "I'm glad you could make it, but we should probably go..Now." Amy nods to him, puts a finger to her lips and continues to lead us through halls.

"Stop there!" A voice bellows from behind us. Glancing behind I see it's MIss O'Riley attempting to chase us in her scittery heels.  Amy laughs, not changing her speed.
"Okay bitch, I'll work on it." Amy calls as we burst into the dark London streets. Alarms erupt from Torchwood industries as we all stare at each other laughing, totally flabbergasted.
"I can't believe you two did that for us." I smile, astounded.
"We'll do anything for you guys..Come on. The TARDIS is at your Mum's." 

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