Day Two

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Roy woke up from an oddly peaceful sleep, he wondered why. Then he saw who was around him that night, Robert and Ross were snuggled up next to him, sleeping soundly. They looked like they were thinking of something though. Roy was a little surprised from how close they were to him, but it was comforting to know that they were really good friends with him. He thought things were going well until he remembered something Ross told him.

He told Ross about the dreams and the memories, but since Ross became the “watchdog” of the town, he investigated the house the cult would meet up in. What he saw and heard, he never told Roy. Roy just knew he was traumatized with the things he had seen. Roy regrets getting him curious or worried about this, about his problems. That must have been what Ross was thinking about in his sleep, Robert might have been worried for the safety of his little sister. Roy is starting to actually regret getting them to join the camp. They are miserable around him, aren't they?

He walks out of the tent, allowing his friends to sleep. Roy started to smooth his auburn hair down, hoping it's not sticking out too much. His dad would always say he looked like a bird’s nest when he woke up in the mornings. Instead he saw Rick, Lila and Ross’s mom surrounding Rick’s phone and smiling.

“They’re so cute!” Lila exclaims, “Look at them Ry!”

“I see,” Ross’s mom giggled, “I didn't know Ross can be so affectionate. He’s been rather distant around me recently…”

“Might be normal kid stuff,” Lila says, “there's a period when children might feel like they want to be more independent from their parents. Skid already decided to be more's kind of worrying me considering how the world has been recently.”

Rick kinda looked away in shame.

“What’s wrong?” Lila tilted her head.

“It's nothing,” Rick sighed, “I need to go-”

“Whats on the phone,” Roy cuts him off with an arm stretched out, trying to stop him, “WHAT IS IT DAD-”

Rick shows Roy a picture of him being snuggled by Robert and Ross.

“DELETE IT, “ Roy screamed, the whole forest reverberated and it woke up Skid and Pump, while Robert and Ross slept soundly.

“Delete what?” Skid wipes his eyes as Pump snatched the phone from Rick, who lets out a yelp in surprise.

“Awwww,” the Spooky Kids coo, “aren't you so cute together?”

“What are you implying,” Roy snarled.

“Do you kiss the homies, perhaps?” Pump smirked by his comeback.

“Actually,” Roy says, “I don't.”

“Well that's disappointing,” Ross’s mom sighed, “I'm allowing my son to have as many boyfriends as he would like.”

ForestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon