•Chapter 2^ Pear•

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•that in the photo from above is Pear!

•The image is not mine, I found on pinterest, but i dont know who made it


The two ghost arrived to Ghostbur's room.

«And this is my room!»-Presented Ghostbur excited.

The fisrt thing Dream noticed was the colours used on the room's decorations: yellow and blue, everywhere, with some white parts.

The wood walls, were sumerged in a really light blue that Dream liked it; light baby blue.

Then, right in the corner there was a very beautifully decored corner, filled with a medium-sized bead with a really

In the corner of the room was a light-yellow sheeted bed covered by pillows and by a thin, white, transparent canvas, that was tied to the pillars that came out from the corners of the bed frame, from up and top, with small gold-colored threads, tied up in a bow-like form, in the top part of the bed, and next to it, a white nightstand, with an alarm clock on top and a lava-lamp that changed colours, along with a family photo -or that's what Dream thought it was- with a black necklace with dark blue glitter adorning the dark
pearl that hunged from the also black rope, placed slightly over the edge of the nightstand.

The walls were all covered with photos of a blue sheep being huged by willbur, and other people alongside Tommy and Techno, one of them wore some really funny goggles up his head nex to him, a guy with a bandana tied on his head.

There was also brunette with horns dressed up in a tuxedo, a furry or a fox hybrid, a really pretty girl with her front bangs dyed in blond, another beautifull girl with galaxy purple hair-she seemed uninterested about life-, other with fluffy white hair, and so on.

There were to many pictures of different people hanging in the walls, and all of their faces seemed familiar to the blond ghost.

Werent those the ones who 'appeared' on his thoughts when he woke up earlier that day?


Probably, but, right now?

He didnt care.

And of course, as promised, there was group of four parrots inside a very large cage, that went up from the floor to the the ceiling.

It was placed in one of the corners, and saying that Dream was impressed, was an statement.

Inside the bird cage, there was a big multicoloured parrot, standing in one of the wooden-stands inside of it.

Not very far away, there was another one, but this one was completly grey-ish with some yellow feathers at the top of his head, there was also one blue, but the one that really caught Dream's attetion was the fourth one, that was also the smallest one.

It was petite, maybe a few months of life, he was really a baby.

Bright green fethered. It remeberd Dream to a pear or an apple even.

The way his eyes shone along with his feathers as the light hitted just right throught the big window; the way he stumbled as he attemped to move around the plain wood stant he was in, trying not to fall.

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