Arielle's POV

"Get your hand of off me!" I yelled pushing his hand away from me. Although I had thought I had succeeded in pushing him away, his hand returned and then I felt the sickening needles of pain that shot through me. Klaus snickered as I writhed in pain on the back seat of Damon's car.

"Hey!" Damon exclaimed. "What was the point of that Klaus?" Damon asked annoyed. I was too busy trying to speed up the healing process to notice that Damon had pulled over and the car was stopped. "Arie, hey are you okay?" Damon asked, concern dripping from his voice.

"What's the point of being a damn vampire if you can't heal a freaking bone!?" I exclaimed in agony. I felt him wrap his hand around my left arm an yank me up, but not without my screaming as the needles shot through again. Damon lifted me out of the car and set me in the ground, with my leg sprawled out in front of me.

"This may sting okay?" Damon said placing his hand on my leg and looking me in the eyes. As we stared at each other, I couldn't feel the stabbing of each nerve as he tried to feel where the break was. "It's healing Arie, just slowly 'cause it's a broken limb." He said calmly removing his hand. I sighed in sadness when I felt the removal of his hand and then looked at him worriedly, hoping he didn't hear my distress. Watching him stand, I sighed in relief because if he knew how I felt, then this friendship would be over.

"Alright you two," Klaus said obnoxiously from next to us as he leaned on the car above me. I glared at him and then felt the disgust of even looking at him. I wanted to be sick, but I knew I had to be strong in front of him. "Let's get back on the road." Klaus smirked clapping his hands together as if to say 'Hurry up'.

"Ugh, can't we just ditch him?" I whispered to Damon. He smirked and shook his head.

"No, because most likely he'll find us and probably kill us." He chuckled.

"You're right Damon, and I hope you make the right decision to not do that." Klaus said looking at the road.

"I forgot he could hear us." I griped. Damon laughed again, but quickly stopped when he looked at me. We were stuck in our own world as we were lost in the moment. Forgetting all of our troubles and worries as we sat beside the road back to Mystic Falls, my new home.

"Arielle," Klaus piped up, interrupting the moment. "Do you know why I know so much about you?"

"What? What are you talking about Klaus?"

"I've known you for awhile love." He said casually.

"Care to elaborate on that Mr. Almighty?" I smirked back. Damon have me a glance from the corner of my eye. He looked a little nervous.

"You and your sister aren't who you think you are. I've met you before, but you just don't remember it." I stared blankly at him. He had lost his mind!

"You're crazy Klaus." I shook my head and tried to stand. My leg had healed somewhat, but it was still sore just like any hurt bone.

"Really? Am I Arielle?" He said stalking closer towards Damon and I. I grasped Damon's upper arm, not just for support, but something about Klaus made me fearful. "You don't think I can't hear how your heart accelerates when I walk towards you? How when I mention your sister, you tense up?"

"That's enough Klaus." Damon said pulling me behind him. He was beginning to get protective with me, but I have to know what he is talking about. I placed my right hand softly on Damon's tricep and nodded, signaling I was okay.

"How do you know me? What do you mean we've met?" I asked hobbling on my leg to meet him half-way. The sky was beginning to become darker as the minutes passed by, making the horizon seem more ominous and gloomy.

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