08- The Sucky Outdoors

Start from the beginning

"I guess I don't get a say, huh?" I smiled as Duncan hauled me away from our team.

"Well if you want to do a quickie just ask. I think the woods are a perfect place to do it." I slapped his chest.

"You're disgusting," I spat, feeling my face redden.

"I've been called worse, sweetheart." I rolled my eyes, retreating to the trail we came from.


Soon enough we came back with plenty of time to spare, so I ended up helping pitch the tent while Duncan worked on getting the fire started.

"Okay, how should I make the first move?" Geoff asked me, holding up the cloth.

Geoff finally decided that he wanted to try to grab Bridgette's attention.

"Compliment her," I responded, placing a peg down, "girls love compliments."

A little while later I saw Geoff heading over to Bridgette.

"Wow. You pitch a tent like a guy!" Geoff said. I coughed violently as Bridgette gave him a look.

"I mean, you're not all girly about gettin' dirty and stuff," he rushed out in an attempt to cover his ass. I shook my head.

//Geoff's Confessional

"Wow, you pitch a tent like a guy!?" Geoff smacked his forehead in embarrassment. //

"Gee. Thanks," Bridgette said rather dryly.

"What's for dinner, woman? I'm starving," Duncan whined to Courtney as he came over to the tent.

"I hope you don't expect me to dignify that with a response," replied the brunette sourly.

"DJ went to find some food, remember?" I spoke up in hopes to get on Courtney's good side. I only received a glare instead.

"Hey guys, look what I found!" I heard DJ say. I looked up to see him holding a small rabbit in his hands.

Duncan, Courtney, Harold, and I made our way over to him.

"Well, I've never had rabbit stew before, but what the heck? I'm game," Duncan responded. I punched his shoulder.

"Ow!" Duncan winced.

"This is my new pet! I'm calling him Bunny!" DJ informed us, holding Bunny close to his chest protectively.

"Well, Bunny is adorable," I complimented, patting the furry little dude.

"You couldn't find any food?" Courtney asked. DJ shook his head.

"Then it looks like we're eating grubs and berries for dinner."

"We could look for fish back at the stream over there," I suggested, extending my thumb towards a small river.

"And how do you expect us to catch anything without a fishing pole or net?" Courtney responded, miffed.

"Do you have your knife?" I asked Duncan. He pulled it out of his pocket.

"We could just use a stick and make a spear," I proposed, running over to a loose branch that was laying on the ground. "It's better than nothing."

The Killer Bass smiled at my plan. Duncan and I worked on our spear as the rest of the team continued to set up camp.

"Has anyone seen Tweedledumb and Tweedleidiot?" Duncan asked, referring to Katie and Sadie.

"Rats. That's why it felt so off earlier," I muttered, grabbing the stick from Duncan's hands.

I wonder where they went.

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