"Ansen has two marketing teams—the A team and the B team. The A team is responsible for the spring and summer marketing campaign, which we are currently preparing to launch. The B team is responsible for the fall and winter campaign, which is about to start soon. Both teams are headed by my two excellent marketing managers—Selene Young and Elliot Phelps. To keep this meeting short, I'll have to request that you introduce yourselves in the office. In lieu of that, I'll leave the floor to Elliot for updates."

Cameron hadn't been paying much attention when everyone walked in, and she wished that she had now, because then she wouldn't have been struck dumb by how beautiful Elliot Phelps was as he walked to the front of the room.

It was a struggle to keep her face impassive, almost mildly interested in what she was hearing. She had to remember not to stare too long, to look around at the other staff members. It didn't really stop her from ogling the man, though. While Elliot updated everyone on the progress of the Spring and Summer campaign, all Cameron could focus on was his golden skin, sharp features, and tall figure. He had thick, dark eyebrows, a bone structure most people would die for, and thick black hair that looked soft to the touch and was a bit longer than fashionable.

She had to force her eyes away to start writing down her notes, all things that Elliot was saying as well as possible ideas that she could start pitching to her team for the Fall and Winter campaign. Looking around the table, the only people that she could recognize were Alyssa on her right and Selene at the head of the table, and figured that all of her team members were on one side while the other team were opposite them.

Her theory was cemented when Elliot completed his update and returned to the table. A coworker leaned over to him and pointed out something, and Cameron looked to her side as Selene made her way to the front.

"Good morning," Selene said. Her voice was light and soft. "We don't have many updates regarding our campaign yet, but I also wanted to welcome Cameron to the team. We're thankful to have you and know that you will work well with the team. Regarding the campaign, I just wanted to let our team know that we will start brainstorming ideas when we return to the office. Cameron, please be sure to take detailed notes during our session later, as I will want your input as well."

Cameron nodded as Selene took her seat and Devika went back to the front.

"Now," she said, a smile in her voice. "I have some important news to share with you all." Devika's smile grew even bigger, and she straightened out the royal blue power suit that she complimented the warm sienna of her skin, and made eye contact with each employee. "At the end of the year, I will be retiring from my position as the Vice President of Marketing. I've worked in this industry since I was sixteen years old and an immigrant to this country and I've loved working with Ansen, but it's time for me to rest and enjoy time with my family."

The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Cameron felt like she couldn't breathe. Her first day at the job and this was what she was coming in to?

"Before I retire," Devika continued, "I will be appointing one of my marketing managers as my successor and I shall be using this year's campaigns to see who would be a worthy replacement. I will be watching as you work with your teams and handle any problems that should occur. Please prove to me, your teams, and yourselves that you are worthy of becoming the VP of marketing. Now, please make your way back to your offices."

With the meeting over everyone made their way back to the shared offices. Most of them were deep in thought but Alyssa was chattering away with a coworker. When the group arrived to their specific office, they pulled all of their chairs into a rough circle. Cameron, confused, followed along.

"Okay, okay," Selene said, clapping to command everyone's attention. "Let's get this out of our systems. Yes, Devika is retiring, and yes, I'm possibly up for a promotion, but we have to brainstorm ideas for the campaign. Time is going to fly and we need to make sure that this is one of the best campaigns we've done."

The muttering had died down as Selene spoke and she smiled. Devika walked in a few moments later and waved at the B Team. Selene waited until the woman went into her office again before speaking.

"Let's introduce ourselves first," she continued. "We'll do an icebreaker before brainstorming." At everyone's groan Selene rolled her eyes. "I'll start. Welcome to the team, Cameron. I'm Selene Young, the marketing manager for B Team."

Cameron smiled at Selene as the woman gestured to the person to the right.

It was Alyssa. The woman grinned at Cameron, who grinned back. The woman seemed to exude happiness.

"I'm Alyssa, of course," she said. "I'm with Public Relations, and I love photography. Sometimes I help Gabriel and the Visual Development team with some of their tasks."

After Alyssa was Gabriel Kelly, a man with skin even darker than Cameron's and cheekbones to die for. He was the visual designer. His muscles bulged through his light blue dress shirt.

Phillipa Sullivan was next. They had long, wavy black hair that contrasted with the paleness of their skin. They loved traveling and was the SEO strategist of the team. With a bright smile, Cameron thought that the two would get along.

Finally, after Phillipa was Quinn Garcia, the developer of the team. With long brown hair and eyebrows to die for, Cameron felt instantly jealous of Quinn's understated beauty. 

After her team introduced themselves, it was finally Cameron's turn.

"I'm Cameron King," she said. "I'm your new marketing assistant and I hope that I meet your expectations."

At the end, Selene smiled and they started coming up with ideas for the fall/winter campaign.

Cameron, scribbling notes, finally felt the disappointment of not getting to work at La Belle fade as her mind stopped comparing them and got busier. This was the place where she'd gotten hired, and she would make the best of it. Getting to La Belle would have to wait.

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