Chapter 16 - I found you

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I have changed some things and saved scenes later for in this book, so if its different to the original films that's why because I have changed the order of some events. I have also added some extra scenes in.

Thomas's pov

I followed the man out and saw Alex as I left and I threw her a quick kiss and she threw me one back. I was taken down corridor after corridor into a metal room and they shut the door behind me. I looked around ad there were grey and black walls and doors and a metal table and metal chairs. I sat at one of the metal chairs waiting for someone I guess. I felt like this was prison. The windows are the kind that you can't see people through but they can see you from the there side.

I looked up and saw a camera and then I heard a door buzz and open. I looked up and saw the same man from earlier the one that was touring us around a little.

"Thomas" He said and walked in

"Thank you for seeing me. Sorry for the inconvenience. I was just hoping we could get a moment to chat in private away from the others." He said and pulled up a chair and sat opposite me

The door behind him shut probably in case I ran. But where would I go anyway? I also wouldn't leave without everyone else especially Alex, Newt, Minho, Fry and Teresa. I saw a book in his hand, what the hell was that?

"Well I won't take out to much of your time. I really only have one question." He said

"What do you remember about WCKD?" He said

Why does he want to know?

"You're not in trouble, we are just having a conversation. I am just trying to understand" He said

"Understand what?" I said

"Whose side are you on?" He said

I looked down and breathed heavily.

"I remember I used to work for WCKD" I said

"I remember that they sent me into the maze" I said 

"I remember watching my friends die in front of me" I said

"I'm on their side" I said

He breathed heavily.

"Interesting" He said and stared at me

"You say you work for WCKD but they sent you into the maze, why would they do something like that?" He said

"I don't know" I said

"Maybe you should ask them before you kill them all" I said

He looked at me and smiled and raised his eyebrows and smiled and then smiled and got up.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind" He said

"Enjoy the rest of your stay" He said

"That's it?" I said confused

"Yeah you've told me everything I need to know. You and your friends have all been cleared to join the others" He said

"Also I didn't know Alex is your mate. Nice one." He said

I growled at him.

"So? What's it to you?" I growled

"Woah calm down tiger nothing just nice to know, that mates still exist and she has you and the other mates" He said

I looked at him suspiciously. I swear to God he won't go near Alex.

"Soon you'll all be moving onto greener passes" He said

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