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Katelyn's POV

I was sitting in my room, doing nothing when my phone started to ring. I picked up the call without looking at the name.

"Hello?" I said as I answered.

"Hey! How's it going?" I heard Ryder's voice through the other end.

"Great, what about you?" I asked as I smiled. Yes, he has that effect on me. Whenever he talks to me I find myself smiling. Weird? I know.

"It's going good." He paused for a moment and I knew something was up.

"You sure?" I asked and was pretty sure that he wanted to tell me something or at least something was up.

"Yeah and can we meet this evening? Like around six or six thirty?" He asked and sounded like he was in a hurry.

"Sure, tell me the place."

"Uhh-" He thought for a second. "My place?" He asked.

"Okay, send me the location, I'll be there." I replied.

"Okay, great! See you soon." He replied and disconnected the phone.

Shit, what will this be about? Is it about the kiss? Did he not like it? Is Aubrey back in his life? Is he going to dump me? Woah, I should slow down or my anxiety levels will increase.

Why am I overthinking? It'll be fine, I thought to myself, thinking it will give me some relief. But it didn't work. I should talk to someone, Claire? I should call her. I dialed her number.

"Hey girl! What is up?" She asked me cheerfully.

"Hey, can we talk?" I sounded very nervous.

"Woah, what's the matter? You sound like you're stressed out." She pointed at the fact. I was actually stressed out.

"Well, it's about Ryder." I told her.

"What about him?" she asked.

"He asked me if we could meet at his place in the evening and I don't know what to do or expect. Like is it about the kiss? Is Aubrey back in his life? Is he dumping me? Does he not like me?" I said everything in one breath without taking a breath.

"Well first, chill the hell out! Don't think much." She encouraged me to stop overthinking.

"Oh, why didn't I think of that!" My voice sounded sarcastic. I didn't want to say that but I'm freaking out here.

"Listen, first of all you don't have to worry about him dumping you or about Aubrey getting back in his life. I mean the guy likes you. Very much." She told me.

"How do you know that?" My voice sounded low and a little bit discouraged.

"Well, he told Ryan that he likes you very much and then Ryan told me. But hey that's not the point here. We all know how he looks at you, how he acts when he's around you." Her voice was soothing and reassuring.

"Okay." This was a relief. "But I'm still meeting him at his house, what if his parents are there. What should I wear? What should I say to them?" I continued as it hit me that I'm going to his house.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that, no one will be at his home. I have never seen his dad, his brother is in some university I guess and his mom is rarely there." She replied, "So wear whatever you want, there's no pressure." She continued in a cheerful voice.

"Wait, how come no one is at his home?" I asked.

"I don't really know. No one knows actually. He kind of dodges this topic," she replied.

"Okay, then. Thanks a lot, I feel so relieved now." I took a deep breath.

"Any time!" Her voice sounded as enthusiastic as ever.

After this we discussed the plans we made for prom. Everything was arranged and the plan for shopping was on for tomorrow. She also asked me to tell her whatever happens with Ryder. Although she told me there was nothing to worry about, she also told me that I can always reach out to her.

She and Nicole are amazing. I sometimes wish Asher and Debbie were there for me the way Nicole and Claire are but they are gone for good.

It was one in the afternoon already and I had nothing to do. I was scrolling through Instagram because I had nothing better to do and now I was hungry.

I went downstairs to grab something from the kitchen.

"Katelyn." I heard grandma call my name.

"Yeah?" I asked her as I rummaged through the fridge to find something good to eat.

"Your dad will come home on Saturday, his flight lands at eleven in the morning and stop rummaging through the fridge like that. What do you want?" She asked.

I hate it, dad will be back home and will again start taunting me about my 'bad decisions' or the decisions I make for myself. Great!

The day before prom is ruined. God knows how he'll react with me dating and to be honest I don't even care about his opinion anymore. He doesn't have to know it at all because I'm pretty sure that he'll have another reason to taunt me and I'm not signing up for that.

I groaned after hearing the news, "Do we have chocolates?" I asked my grandmother. Chocolates and ice cream is my comfort food but I checked for ice cream and it's not there, so chocolate is the only option.

"Third shelf, right end." She replied and I looked over there and found it. My grandma's like a pro at arranging stuff and knowing where everything is kept.

I took the chocolates and went upstairs. After I was done I chose the outfit to wear on our 'date'. I picked a casual denim dress with a cute belt attached to it. It was light in color and quarter sleeves. I paired the outfit with white sneaker and decided to make a ponytail.

I really had nothing to do today except to check my email about any response from colleges and universities. There was no message yet.

So I continued scrolling through random memes until it was time for me to get ready and leave for Ryder's place.

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