Harrys POV 

I made my way back to the dorm, there were a pair of black worn-out VANS and so I placed me just as worn out Chelsea boots beside them and headed to my room. 

 I got out a towel, hair product and body wash and headed to the bathroom, I needed a shower so that's what I planned to do.  I turned the shower on waiting for the water to turn to the right temperature as I placed my shampoo, conditioner and body wash on the counter.

Once I was out I wrapped the towel around my waist and headed to my room.  I bumped into something or someone.  Only to see a smaller lad catching himself on the wall.  I ran to my room as my towel had fallen off from hanging loosely around my hips and I knew I hadn't been seen.  I heard a knock on the door but ignored it.  

I threw on some boxers and track pants not worrying about a short at the moment and decided to meet the lad I had bumped into.  I opened my door only to catch the once again falling lad.  When I looked at him.  I felt like I had just been struck by an anvil.  I was dumbfounded by his beauty.  His piercing blue eyes were staring into my soul or that's what it felt like.

Louis POV

I had tripped over some stupid golf club which would later make it's way to Nialls foot magically.  Before I could fall onto the floor I felt two long arms wrap around me and in one swift move had span me around to face them.  His eyes were mesmerizing and glistened in the light.  They were green and gorgeous.  I could get lost in those eyes anyday.  

I felt my breath hitch as he put his hand behind my back to steady me.  I didn't know what to do or say.  I'd never been so struck by someone's beauty.  I was quickly snapped out of my trance when he spoke.  

"Oops." is all he said.  That voice.  It was him.  He's gorgeous and I'm sitting here absolutely entranced by his smile and DIMPLES?!  Could he get any better? I found myself speaking next. "Hi." is all I had managed to get out though.  

He made sure I was standing upright before speaking.  "Do you normally go falling for people at first sight or is it because I'm just that attractive?"  he now had on a cheeky grin.

I could feel my cheeks heat up and I could only assume my face was beet red.  My eyes then trailed down to his bare chest.  Smack dab in the middle was a butterfly.  Lad with a butterfly I thought to myself.  I scolded myself as I thought of tracing it with my finger and stepped back to space ourselves.

"Checking me out huh?  You like it?"  Now a smirk tugging at his lips.  

"What?  No.  I mean yeah I like it.  The tattoo I mean yeah I like it, it's hot- I mean it's pretty, it's hot in here, I'm gonna go open my window."  I left with a small smile as he chuckled to himself shaking his head and walking away.  

A bit after I heard the Irish lad walk through the door and he came to my room to say hi.  Once he left I decided I needed to shower so I took a towel and made my way to the bathroom rather quickly to avoid one specific tall lad.  

I had then realized once I had stripped that I forgot my clothes so I wrapped a towel around my waist not wanting to put the clothes back on and opened the door slowly.  I looked both ways before quietly leaving I had taken three steps when I heard a door open.  

I froze knowing it was too close to be Nialls door.  I turned around on the heel of my foot and saw the tall lad smirking and leaning with his arm above his head against the door.  

I blinked and thought; time for revenge.  I turned back and walked swaying my hips just a bit and when I reached my door I turned to Harry who's jaw was on the floor.  I gave him an innocent smile batted my eyes and opened my door to get my clothes.  

I retrieved them and went back to the bathroom and turned the shower on.  I started singing not caring who heard but I assumed because I wasn't belting out you wouldn't be able to hear it that loud.  

I was obviously wrong because once I left the bathroom fully dressed Harry looked up from his phone at me, smiled and said; "you have a really good voice."  I smile and nodded not knowing what to say as I didn't do well with compliments.  

Being next to Harry also made me a tad self-conscious because he unlike me had a six-pack and was tall and lanky.  Me I was shorter and had a tummy with curves that made me feel silly when I wore certain things.  Harry looked at me with curiosity as I stood there thinking.  

"Are you alright Lou?"  

That immediately snapped me out of my current thoughts.  I blushed and nodded.  "Yeah I'm alright, just thinking and stuff."

I gave him a small smile before telling him I'm gonna go hang with Niall but we should hang out. 

"Hey, could I get your number?"  I nodded and we swapped phones, I entered my number and made my contact Louis.  When he returned my phone his contact name was Loml ;) 

I laughed and shook my head changing it to Hazza and putting the photo as a butterfly for now.  He frowned slightly when he saw the contact name I put so he changed it to Lou <3.  I headed off to hang out with the Irish lad where he said he was taking me to a place called Nando's.  

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