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"need to go home" I said against his lips, pulling away slightly and pouting.

"No" he whined, drawing out the vowel. He kissed me again ultimately removing my pout.

"Harry" I whined, "I need to go home H"

"I'll walk you." he said looking me directly in the eyes.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah of course Lou. I want to spend more time with you."

"Alright then" I smiled.

He gently entwined our hands and grinned happily at them and we began walking in the direction of my house.

The street was faintly lit by dim yellow - tainted lights, a few cars passing by in the eerie silence every now and again.

I could just about make out our surroundings and Harry talked to me about anything and nothing, it was nice.

We eventually made it to my street, our hands swaying as we gleefully walked down the quiet path, smiling at each other as if we were in a cheesy 40s rom com.

"I don't want to let you go yet" I frowned

Something In The Mist (l.s.)Where stories live. Discover now