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We laughed into our almost empty glasses, endearment shining clear in my eyes. I thoroughly enjoyed his company.

I became more fond of the romantic setting after a while, I swear he's turning me into a proper romantic.

"Dessert?" Our waitress asked as we both simultaneously set our glasses down.

"Yes please, a raspberry cheesecake for me please."

"And an apple pie with custard for me please." He smiled. She scribbled the last of our orders down and nodded, leaving us shortly after.

"Cheesecake?" he questioned me with a fond smile.

"Can't go wrong with cheesecake H." I grinned back at him, my teeth digging into my bottom lip to try to suppress an ever bigger grin.


"So...tell me about yourself." I said as I raised a spoonful of the scrumptious dessert to my lips.

"Well...I have a sister, Gemma, who is a few years older than me. She's 30. I'm 27 and my birthday is February 1st. I have my mother Anne who I love dearly and I have two cats, my favourite out of the two is called Dusty." He spoke with an obnoxiously, disgustingly cute smile.

"Dusty..." I muttered, amusement and fondness lacing my tone.

"I came up with the name." He smiled proudly.

"I figured."

We laughed for a bit until it died down and he asked for information about myself.

"I'm not as unique as you, you see. I have four sisters, two of which are twins. I have a little brother too - poor little lad. I'm the oldest, the youngest being Doris and Ernie [Ernest is his real name but I find it a tad bit too posh]. I'm 29 [my birthday is December 24th] and they're both only eight. I live by me'self too which is a bit self-deprecating."

"Aw," he cooed looking at me in adoration, or at least that's what I sensed it was. He could be plotting my demise? "I live with Niall, the Irish lad you met a few days ago. I could always keep you company too. I promise I can be good company, I'm not too irritating. And your birthday's on Christmas eve?"

"I'd love for you to keep me company and yes it is. When I was little-"

"- which was a long time ago" Harold snickered.

"Oi! anyway..." I heaved a huff, "I used to think when people put up their Christmas decorations that it was for me. As if they were celebrating me." I giggled at the dumb memory of me smiling brightly at people's Christmas decorations rambling to my mother about how they were celebrating me and how much they adored me. She, unfortunately for young eight year old me, had to tell me that it was in fact for Christmas not my birthday. I'd sobbed about it for days on end.

"Aww" he cooed, "adorable little Lou."

"Don't bully me," I sipped on my wine, "I'm too pretty for it."

"I'd never dream of bullying you," he snickered, "special little Lou" he giggled.

"Piss off." I grinned at his child-like behaviour and ate the last spoonful of my cheesecake.

"I've enjoyed tonight...it's been nice spending time with you. You're a very carefree person and a lot more open-minded and fun than some of the men I've met. You also don't seem to be in denial of your attraction to menfolk."

"My mother raised me to be different - if you'd call it that. I don't see the point in hiding your attraction to men. Obviously, publicly, you need to hide it because it's illegal but if you meet a guy and get on well then what's the harm in it? Thank you by the way, I appreciate it." he spoke flashing me a dimpled grin towards the end.


We both got up from our seats and I leaned up to whisper in his ear, "You look handsome by the way, your suit really accentuates your eyes."

He smiled. "You too. I could never pull that colour off."

We shook hands to appear more business-like/acquaintance-like to onlooking eyes.

"Call me." I said with a smirk and trotted off after leaving a good proportion of money on the table in the metal money tray.

I had just stepped outside of the Italian restaurant, the sky turning to dusk as the sun set rather beautifully behind a little cloud, when out rushed Harold - or Harry as I now called him.

He gently wrapped his hand round my dainty wrist and tugged me into the narrow alleyway off to the side of the restaurant.

"What's going o-"

His lips caught mine in a soft but firm kiss.

"I couldn't resist, I'm sorry..." he mumbled.

I grabbed him by the back of his neck, "don't apologise. Just kiss me you fool."

** author's note: bit of a filler chapter. sorry but hope this is alright :)

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